Master the art of “strategic budgeting” to forge a successful financial future

Inflation has squeezed us all recently making “strategic budgeting” more important than ever, writes Jillian Thomas, divisional director of Renishaw-based Amber River Leodis Wealth. This article was originally published by The Sheffield Star.

Date Published: 22/08/2024 09:48

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Why a Power of Attorney makes complete sense

A power of attorney (POA) allows you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so. Amber River Leodis Wealth’s independent financial planner Peter Blant, highlights what they are - and why they matter…

Date Published: 20/08/2024 08:41

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Why “timing the market” is so tough

When it comes to investments, you might have heard the phrase “timing the market”. Amber River Leodis Wealth’s independent financial planner, Emma Baumback, explains why this can be a tough call…

Date Published: 13/08/2024 09:53

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August 2024 Market Commentary

July 2024 was a big month for politics with the UK election decided and some major twists and turns in both the US and France. Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas has been keeping a close eye on what’s been happening on the on the national – and international - markets…

Date Published: 05/08/2024 11:33

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Hear Jill Thomas appraise the repercussions of the interest rate cut

All eyes have been on Threadneedle Street recently when the Bank of England (BoE) announced its first interest rate cut in more than four years. Trimming the Bank Rate to 5% from 5.25% could prove a welcome relief to borrowers, while also marking a milestone in the ongoing fight against inflation. Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas discusses the implications...

Date Published: 02/08/2024 20:58

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Why our region - and our country - must now be run as a business

There is now a greater requirement than ever for our region and our country to be run in the most businesslike way possible, writes Jillian Thomas who is divisional director of the Renishaw office of Amber River Leodis Wealth…

Date Published: 29/07/2024 13:41

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Fully consider the tax implications of gifting…

There are specific tax rules to remember when it comes to ‘gifting,’ writes Amber River Leodis Wealth’s independent financial planner Peter Blant…

Date Published: 23/07/2024 15:18

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The many benefits of embracing an entrepreneurial spirit…

Becoming your own boss is becoming an increasingly popular ambition – and not just because people want to make more money. Keeley Woodcock, Amber River Leodis Wealth’s divisional director of operations, has been appraising the repercussions of what’s happening…

Date Published: 14/07/2024 17:36

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Hear Jillian's hopes for 'UK plc' following the election

In her latest video for Future Life Wealth Management, divisional director Jillian Thomas sets out her hopes for 'UK plc' following the recent election... 

Date Published: 08/07/2024 16:23

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July 2024 Market Commentary

June 2024 was a big month for global financial markets, marked by significant volatility and key economic developments. Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas casts her expert eye over the implications of what’s been unfolding both nationally and internationally...

Date Published: 03/07/2024 13:01

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Why clearing debt is essential for your future financial happiness…

Clearing outstanding debts must always be a priority. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director, Jillian Thomas, explains why… This article was originally published in The Derbyshire Times.


Date Published: 27/06/2024 11:33

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Are you a higher or additional rate taxpayer paying into a pension?

Did you know that higher or additional rate earners in the UK can claim additional tax relief on pension contributions that are paid through relief at source schemes? Future Life Wealth Management’s senior financial planner Emma Baumbach explains why this matters…

Date Published: 19/06/2024 11:39

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Would you lend money to a loved one if they asked?

Lending money to family or friends can be a potential minefield... Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, outlines some of the key considerations…

Date Published: 12/06/2024 16:59

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When’s the best time to retire?

How do you decide when to retire? Renishaw-based Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas is frequently asked this simple question – but it’s not a simple one to answer... This opinion article was first published in The Sheffield Star on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024.

Date Published: 05/06/2024 12:49

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June 2024 Market Commentary

The global financial markets have yielded mixed results over the past month. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas lends her professional insight into the key factors influencing what’s unravelling...

Date Published: 04/06/2024 16:07

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Why you should get to grips with your finances now

Could this be the right time to ensure your finances are on track? Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering why this matters - and what to do...

Date Published: 29/05/2024 09:31

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The Brave New Era of Pension Allowances…

The time’s now right to ensure you fully understand the implications of the abolition of the lifetime allowance - and the introduction of other pension allowances, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback…

Date Published: 23/05/2024 15:39

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Hear Jill quiz Palace Yard's Natascha Engel about hydrogen's immense potential for 'UK plc'

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jill Thomas catches up with Natascha Engel - former MP for North East Derbyshire - who is now CEO of cross-party think tank, Palace Yard. Jill quizzes Natascha about the potential of hydrogen for the economic and environmental future of 'UK plc'...

Date Published: 17/05/2024 15:35

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Hear Jillian in conversation with one of the UK's leading hair prosthesis experts

Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas catches up with one of the UK's leading hair prosthesis specialists, Conrad Blandford, of GLO hair based on Sheffield's Ecclesall Road. Conrad discusses how and when hair prosthesis can really make a difference to someone's life - and what's possible. In addition, he provides his thoughts on the key business - and taxation - issues…

Date Published: 10/05/2024 16:48

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Would you like to receive your state pension earlier?

With employees braced to work longer than ever, FutureLife Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas is now calling on the government to consider redesigning when and how people access their state pension… This opinion article was initially printed in The Yorkshire Post on Friday, May 3, 2024.

Date Published: 03/05/2024 14:00

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May 2024 Market Commentary

Cautious optimism is undoubtedly growing - but the global economy is by no means exactly where investors, businesses, consumers and policymakers want it to be just yet…  Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas has been keeping a close eye on what’s unfolded on the global markets over the past month…

Date Published: 02/05/2024 18:59

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Hear Jillian Thomas interview Emma Clarke of Weston Park Cancer Charity

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas has noticed a marked increase in the number of people choosing to make a bequest to charity in the pandemic's wake. In her latest video for Future Life TV, she catches up with Emma Clarke, Chief Executive of Weston Park Cancer Charity, to discover more about the difference these bequests make. Based in Sheffield, the charity provid…

Date Published: 29/04/2024 19:24

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Why you should always speak to an independent financial planner…

In an era when we’re frequently bombarded with information, the imperative to talk to a professionally qualified - and independent - financial planner has never been greater, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock...

Date Published: 25/04/2024 13:18

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High earners can enjoy a work-life balance too

Is it possible to have it all? Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering how to achieve a truly harmonious work-life balance...

Date Published: 15/04/2024 18:05

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Do you want your money to work even harder for you in the new 2024/25 tax year?

The new tax year commenced on April 6, 2024. Could this be the ideal time to assess your finances and get your money working even harder for you? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner, Emma Baumback,  provides a few tips to help get things under way…

Date Published: 08/04/2024 19:54

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April 2024 Market Commentary

While many of the world’s major economies have struggled to achieve strong growth recently, there’s now a sense that some key markets have turned a corner. Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas has been scrutinising what’s unfolded to keep you fully informed…

Date Published: 05/04/2024 11:09

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How changes to ISA rules could now affect you…

ISA rules are changing from April 6 when the new tax year begins. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback provides the lowdown of what’s in store…

Date Published: 25/03/2024 16:22

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Should children be taught about money?

It’s a perennial question for any parent or guardian: precisely when’s best to educate children about finances? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock provides her professional insight…

Date Published: 19/03/2024 10:05

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Why a proactive approach to pensions invariably pays dividends…

Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas is calling on employees across Yorkshire to utilize any money they might accrue from the government’s recent changes to National Insurance wisely… A version of this article first appeared as an opinion piece in The Yorkshire Post on Friday, March 8th 2024 following the Spring Budget.

Date Published: 11/03/2024 14:15

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What does the future hold for Sheffield? Watch Jillian's conversation with The Star's Business Editor

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas catches up with David Walsh, the business editor of The Star, Sheffield. David lends his expertise and insight into what's unravelling across the city region currently. In a wide-ranging conversation, David discusses what he'd like to see resulting from the forthcoming budget - and what needs to happen to ensure that Sheffield's ec…

Date Published: 05/03/2024 13:09

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March 2024 Market Commentary

It’s been a mixed picture financially across the globe in the last few weeks. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas shares her professional insight into what’s been unfolding…

Date Published: 01/03/2024 17:36

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Why the new social media trend for ‘loud budgeting’ could bring universal benefits…

Being open about your finances can have an exceptionally positive impact on your life - as well as that of your family and friends. Here, Jillian Thomas, of Renishaw-based financial advisers Future Life Wealth Management, welcomes the new online trend for ‘loud budgeting’… 

Date Published: 26/02/2024 14:14

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Why are more people falling victim to ‘romance scams’?

It’s essential that we’re all vigilant for online scams. In recent months, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock has noticed that the number of so-called ‘romance scams’ has been increasing. Here, Keeley explains what they are - and how to avoid them... 

Date Published: 16/02/2024 10:07

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What lies in store for the East Midlands in 2024? Watch Jillian in conversation with East Midlands Chamber's Chief Executive Scott Knowles

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas catches up with Scott Knowles, chief executive of East Midlands Chamber. Jill gauges Scott's opinion on the current state of the region's economy - as well as what needs to happen next. Scott also shares his exceptional insight into the mounting economic repercussions of both devolution and the East Midlands Freeport...

Date Published: 09/02/2024 14:59

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February 2024 Market Commentary

While growth has been stagnant across much of the globe in recent months, various new figures suggest that a proverbial corner might have finally been turned – and the economic outlook is starting to look rosier. Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas has kept a close eye on what’s been unravelling on key domestic and international markets in January...

Date Published: 07/02/2024 08:42

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The National Insurance reduction for the employed... Have you considered its repercussions?

Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas is calling on employees and employers nationwide to think through the repercussions of the government’s recent changes to National Insurance…

Date Published: 01/02/2024 18:07

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Why financial freedom is invariably a personal journey

What does financial freedom look like for you? For many of us, it means having enough income, savings and investments to live life on our own terms - without ever having to worry about future consequences. Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been considering how best it can be achieved…

Date Published: 31/01/2024 14:38

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The importance of budgeting in 2024 - and beyond

Do you know for definite what you’re spending your money on? Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, has been researching why it’s imperative to get a grip on your finances in 2024...

Date Published: 11/01/2024 12:21

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Five financial tips for a truly prosperous 2024

The dawning of 2024 is the perfect opportunity to take stock of your finances – and hopes for the future. Jillian Thomas, divisional director of Renishaw-based financial planner Future Life Wealth Management, shares five simple tips to help ensure a truly prosperous new year…

Date Published: 04/01/2024 16:02

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January 2024 Market Commentary

As 2024 gets underway, there are positive signs that the inflation crisis around the world is finally starting to ease. But this doesn’t seem to have been accompanied by a surge in economic growth in many crucial markets. In fact, growth seems stubbornly slow in some countries. Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas has been casting her eyes over the key global markets …

Date Published: 03/01/2024 17:39

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The cutting edge energy efficiency innovations bringing universal benefits...

Groundbreaking energy efficiency innovations are being both spearheaded and championed by Derbyshire-headquartered Ki-Tech Solutions. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas catches up with Ki-Tech Solutions operations and project director, Andy Fulham, to learn more about the way energy consumption in the hospitality sector is already being revolutionised...

Date Published: 30/12/2023 10:11

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How could the investment markets perform in 2024? Jill Thomas asks 7iM's Chief Investment Officer

Future Life Wealth Management's Divisional Director Jillian Thomas catches up with Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer of 7iM. Jill asks Martyn for his opinions about what's happened in 2023 - and what 2024 might hold in store for the investment markets.

Date Published: 28/12/2023 07:45

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Could 'ESG' investing work for you in 2024? Listen to Jillian's conversation with Ben Palmer of LGT Wealth Management

In the second of a series of three videos appraising what’s happed in 2023 with a view to learning what might rest ahead in 2024, Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas talks to Ben Palmer, Lead Portfolio Manager for LGT Wealth Management’s Sustainable Model Portfolio Service. Ben appraises the performance of the environmental, social and governance - ESG - sector over …

Date Published: 21/12/2023 12:35

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Hear Jillian's warmest regards for the festive season and 2024

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas extends her warmest wishes for both the festive season and the new year...

Date Published: 20/12/2023 18:12

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Every good wish for Christmas - and FLWM's festive opening hours

The entire Future Life Wealth Management team would like to extend the warmest possible Christmas greetings to all our clients, introducers and friends. We shall close at 5pm on Friday, December 22, 2023, and reopen at 9am on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. For urgent queries, please contact: 

Date Published: 18/12/2023 16:09

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How might fixed interest investments perform in 2024? Jillian catches up with Shilen Shah of Investec Wealth & Investment (UK)

The first of a Future Life Wealth Management series appraising what's happened in 2023 with a view to understanding what might lie ahead in 2024... Our divisional director Jillian Thomas asks Shilen Shah, head of fixed income solutions at Investec Wealth & Investment (UK), how fixed interest investments have performed over the past 12 months. In addition, Jill quizzes Shilen on his hopes for t…

Date Published: 15/12/2023 14:42

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Don't overthink ownership data!

Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback introduces some new findings from leading asset management firm 7iM...

Date Published: 08/12/2023 17:17

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December 2023 Market Commentary

The crisis in the Middle East is dominating the headlines – and the temporary truce which saw many of the hostages in Gaza released was most welcome. It must also be said that the geopolitical tensions caused by the Israel-Hamas conflict poses a very real risk to the wider global economy, which is already facing ongoing problems such as high inflation and high interest rates. Future Life Wealth Ma…

Date Published: 06/12/2023 10:50

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Future Life Wealth Management’s Jillian Thomas to lend her insight at a major regional business conference

Jillian will address East Midlands Chamber's Annual State of the Economy Conference at the University of Leicester later this month…

Date Published: 04/12/2023 16:44

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Autumn Statement: Read Emma's ISA update...

Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback provides her insight into a few of the key headlines surrounding ISAs arising from the Autumn Statement…

Date Published: 28/11/2023 14:26

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Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas appraises the Autumn Statement 2023

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of his Autumn Statement 2023. It set out the government's tax and spending plans for the coming year - and has wide-ranging implications. Here, Jillian Thomas, divisional director of Future Life Wealth Management, provides her initial thoughts about some of the main takeaways - while also highlighting key considerations for businesses and investors.…

Date Published: 22/11/2023 18:52

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How to budget for a wonderful Christmas

When it comes to your finances, it’s never too early to start planning for Christmas... Read Jillian Thomas' exclusive opinion article, which was published by The Sheffield Star today.

Date Published: 21/11/2023 17:33

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Why it’s essential for women to seek tailored financial advice early…

A major new report from Scottish Widows has highlighted the need for women to plan for their financial futures far more diligently than is possibly happening. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director shares her professional opinion on what needs to happen…

Date Published: 15/11/2023 13:56

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Do you openly discuss money with your partner?

It’s essential to have full and frank discussions about finances with your family members for many different reasons. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, recounts just a few reasons why...  

Date Published: 10/11/2023 14:25

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November market commentary

All eyes have been on the Middle East over the past month following Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel on October 7. The resulting conflict has led to fears of a possible escalation across the wider region and a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Against this exceptionally distressing backdrop, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas casts her expert eye over what’s been happening in key markets…

Date Published: 03/11/2023 17:59

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So, what precisely is ‘risk’?

Do you understand the implications of ‘risk’ on your portfolio? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback discusses the findings of some new research…

Date Published: 02/11/2023 09:31

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How cyber-attacks are evolving… and what to do

Cyber-attacks… It's now a case of 'when' one will hit you or your business, rather than 'if' one's going to occur. Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director Jillian Thomas recently received a briefing on this topic - and discovered how social media profiles are being targeted. Here, Jill provides a few of the key takeaways...

Date Published: 31/10/2023 09:45

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Future Life Wealth Management seeks new financial planning administrator

One of the UK’s leading financial planners has launched a recruitment push to appoint a new financial planning administrator.  If you - or anyone you know - would like to join our award-winning team, please do get in touch…

Date Published: 27/10/2023 15:20

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Why quality financial advice is imperative...

The best financial advice is essential to create the best possible financial future. Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, highlights some of the key benefits…

Date Published: 19/10/2023 12:44

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The importance of considering where your investments are made...

Have you ever considered the significance of where your investments are based – particularly if it’s overseas? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback discusses what investors might want to think through…

Date Published: 11/10/2023 11:31

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October 2023 Market Commentary

High inflation has stubbornly persisted across much of the globe in recent months, and September was no different here in the UK. But some major economies are performing better than others as they grapple with global economic headwinds, and emerging markets in Asia are bucking the prevailing trend by enjoying strong rates of growth. Future Life Wealth Management’s Divisional Director Jillian Thoma…

Date Published: 06/10/2023 10:40

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What the future of the UK's energy sector holds... Hear Jillian's conversation with Natascha Engel

Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director, Jillian Thomas, talks to Natascha Engel, CEO of Palace Yard, a think-tank specializing in both energy and infrastructure. Natascha discusses the future of the UK's energy provision including the full, complex implications of 'net zero' - and how we can meet its demands. In an important and wide-ranging conversation, Natascha also explains why ov…

Date Published: 03/10/2023 15:22

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What's the impact of politics on investments?

In her latest blog, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner, Emma Baumback, considers the implications of the political world on investments…

Date Published: 02/10/2023 10:55

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Future Life Wealth Management crowned regional winner in British Chamber of Commerce Chamber Business Awards 2023

Future Life Wealth Management has won a major regional award in the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) Chamber Business Awards 2023...

Date Published: 28/09/2023 09:02

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What's the significance of the base rate and inflation to investors? Hear Jillian Thomas' views...

There was great relief among many mortgage holders when the Bank of England kept interest rates on hold for the first time in almost two years. The Bank's monetary policy committee (MPC) voted by a narrow majority to hold its key interest rate at 5.25% after official figures showed a surprise fall in inflation in August. But what's the significance for investors? Jillian Thomas, divisional directo…

Date Published: 26/09/2023 09:07

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How can I stop buying things on impulse?

We’ve all bought things on impulse at some point – but this has the potential to cost our long-term financial goals dear. So, what can be done? Future Life Wealth Management's divisional director of operations Keeley Woodcock outlines some simple steps that can really help…

Date Published: 20/09/2023 11:59

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How the USA’s economic future is evolving...

The United State of America has long been recognised as a global economic powerhouse. But its economy is evolving as ‘high-tech’ comes to the fore. Future Life Wealth Management's Emma Baumback has been researching what's currently unfolding to garner the best understanding of what might rest in store…

Date Published: 14/09/2023 10:58

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Look after your hearing to ensure the best future life...

It’s possibly one of the most overlooked senses – yet we all rely on our hearing… and can sometimes take it for granted. In Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas’ latest video, she discusses all matters audiology with Nicole Vasey, of Sheffield-based Peter Byrom Audiology. How can we best look after and protect our hearing? And what are its implications when it comes t…

Date Published: 06/09/2023 20:05

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September 2023 Market Commentary

Sluggish economic growth across many major global economies was, once again, a common theme throughout August. Policymakers across the globe continue to battle against high inflation. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s divisional director Jillian Thomas identifies and appraises the key issues that have been evolving…

Date Published: 04/09/2023 07:49

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Child Trust Funds - nearly £2bn remains unclaimed

Could one of your young relatives or friends be eligible for money invested under the government's Child Trust Fund (CFT) policy? Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock appraises the situation...

Date Published: 25/08/2023 09:45

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Pension mistakes that must be avoided

If you’re to enjoy the lifestyle you want and deserve in retirement, careful planning is essential. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback appraises some of the key considerations…

Date Published: 22/08/2023 15:22

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FLWM’s Jillian Thomas to address East Midlands Chamber’s Partners and Patrons

Future Life Wealth Management’s Jillian Thomas has been invited to speak to members of East Midlands Chamber on how they can best manage their cash during these tough economic times…

Date Published: 16/08/2023 14:11

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Why taking control of your finances can bring universal benefits

Taking charge of your finances is good for your future financial life - and your mental health. Jillian Thomas, MD of Renishaw-based financial planner Future Life Wealth Management, provides simple tips that can really help…

Date Published: 11/08/2023 15:57

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August 2023 Market Commentary

It was a mixed picture across the globe in July, with many major economies beginning to see their efforts to tackle inflation pay off. But while progress is being made in some countries, growth remains sluggish and inflation remains high in several key markets, most notably the UK. Here, Jillian Thomas, MD of Future Life Wealth Management, casts her expert eye over what’s been happening on the dom…

Date Published: 02/08/2023 16:55

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Hear Jillian's views on the current economic situation... and why proactivity has never been greater when it comes to personal finance

The past few years of economic disruption are expected to persist for the rest of 2023. It remains imperative for us all to plan ahead - and ensure that we do so in the most appropriate and strategic way possible. But just how can you consistently attain the best possible results that are right for you and your finances? Here, Jillian Thomas, founder and Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Man…

Date Published: 01/08/2023 14:59

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How the historic prices of beer and milk illustrate the effect of inflation on our disposable income…

We’re all aware of price rises when we get to the supermarket checkouts - but what's the best way to understand what’s truly going on? Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been considering what’s unravelling…

Date Published: 27/07/2023 17:24

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Inflation matters: Why the supermarkets must now stay loyal to their customers

Is the financial press the only channel where people seem to discuss inflation? Absolutely not – at this point in time, pretty much everyone is aware of increasing costs. Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock is keeping a close eye on what’s unravelling…

Date Published: 20/07/2023 11:11

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As the cost of living crisis escalates, what can be done? Hear Jillian Thomas' views on BBC Radio Sheffield

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was asked by BBC Radio Sheffield's Becky Measures to discuss escalating problems linked to the cost of living crisis on today's Breakfast Show. Jillian highlights: why it's essential to have the best possible overview of all your household expenses before proactively seeking to reduce them; what WASPI - Women Against State Pension Inequality - ladi…

Date Published: 12/07/2023 15:03

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Hear Jillian in conversation with East Midlands Chamber's chief executive Scott Knowles

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas has been catching up with Scott Knowles, chief executive of East Midlands Chamber. In a wide-ranging conversation, Scott shares his insight into the state of the East Midland's economy currently, what businesses need to do to succeed through this tough economic chapter, how AI might impact on companies based here, the East Midlands Freeport - and m…

Date Published: 06/07/2023 20:22

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July 2023 Market Commentary

Sluggish growth and high inflation were recurring themes in many major and emerging economies last month, as central banks across the globe sought to manage the impact of global economic headwinds. Interestingly, many emerging markets bucked this trend. Here, Jillian Thomas, MD of Future Life Wealth Management, appraises what’s been unravelling on the global markets in June…

Date Published: 04/07/2023 10:24

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Could cash platforms benefit your business?

During these difficult economic times, it’s essential that businesses of all sizes maximise returns – but this doesn’t always happen. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s founder and MD Jillian Thomas highlights some simple steps that can help…

Date Published: 03/07/2023 16:13

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What to do in the face of the mounting threat from cybercrime...

Concerns about cybercrime are mounting – and we all need to take more care than ever. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock appraises some simple steps we can all take to redress the situation…

Date Published: 28/06/2023 13:50

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What are the repercussions of the Bank of England's base rate hitting 5%? Hear Jillian Thomas' views on BBC Radio Sheffield...

In what was a bigger increase than most forecasters expected, the Bank of England has increased the base rate to 5% - up from 4.5%. The opinions of Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas were sought by BBC Radio Sheffield's Afternoon Show, presented by Howard Pressman. Jillian discusses the implications of core inflation being the highest it's been for 30 years - and the imperative of a…

Date Published: 22/06/2023 18:27

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Could renewable energy bring cost and carbon benefits for your home or business?

The benefits of renewable energy are there to be enjoyed for business and residential properties alike. In our MD Jillian Thomas' latest video, she seeks some expert views from Adam Roberts, of Wright Renewable Heating...

Date Published: 16/06/2023 11:49

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Why AI will never replace your financial adviser…

Artificial Intelligence - or AI - is rapidly evolving at this point in history... But what are its implications for financial advisors and the advice they provide? Here, Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock appraises some of the key issues...

Date Published: 13/06/2023 13:50

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June 2023 Market Commentary

It was a mixed economic picture globally in May… although both the Bank of England and the International Monetary Fund stated that they do not expect the UK to enter a recession in 2023. Here, Jillian Thomas, MD of Future Life Wealth Management, makes sense of what’s been unravelling both domestically and internationally over the past month…

Date Published: 08/06/2023 09:37

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Seven Key Questions About the Markets: Answered

After a manic first quarter for markets followed by the relatively uneventful months of April and May, the Future Life Wealth Management team thought it would be beneficial to share with you some of the questions that are most frequently asked by investors. These have all been answered by our friends at investment professionals 7IM.

Date Published: 03/06/2023 15:02

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Is the idea of a 'job for life' now enjoying a renaissance?

Could the trend for workers to change jobs frequently be evolving – and what are the potential repercussions for employers? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s director Keeley Woodcock appraises the facts…

Date Published: 31/05/2023 16:55

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What rests in store for investors for the remainder of 2023? Watch Jillian's latest interview with Justin Urquhart Stewart

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Justin Urquhart Stewart, founder of Regionally. Jillian sought Justin's perspective on the implications of: increasing inflation; the Bank of England's base rate rises; the energy cap;  the ongoing war in Ukraine; and the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s comment that he's happy for the UK to go into recession... besides much more. 

Date Published: 26/05/2023 18:49

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Is moving to cash a good idea for long-term savings?

With the recent hikes in interest rates, Future Life Wealth Management's team is often getting asked whether moving to cash is a good idea for long-term savings. Here, our independent financial planner Emma Baumback gives her opinion...

Date Published: 23/05/2023 20:30

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Seven common investment mistakes to avoid…

There are invariably some key ‘do’s’ as well as some key 'don’ts’ when it comes to investing. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial advisor Emma Baumback ensures that you’re aware of some of the main investment mistakes…

Date Published: 18/05/2023 12:57

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What are the implications of the base rate increases for investors...

The Bank of England has raised interest rates for the twelfth consecutive time from 4.25% to 4.5%, taking borrowing costs to their highest level in 15 years. This was also the culmination of the most aggressive hiking cycle witnessed since the 1980s. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas makes sense of what's unravelling - and what the implications could be for investors.

Date Published: 12/05/2023 16:07

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Company values are now a dealbreaker for jobseekers

Future Life Wealth Management has always – and will always – place a premium on our company values. Here, our director of operations Keeley Woodcock shines a spotlight on the benefits this can frequently yield...

Date Published: 10/05/2023 14:05

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Future Life Wealth Management scoops two major Yorkshire Financial Awards

Future Life Wealth Management is over the moon to have lifted two major trophies at the Yorkshire Financial Awards 2023...

Date Published: 05/05/2023 14:57

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Callum shortlisted for 'hat trick' of top regional awards

Future Life Wealth Management's trainee financial planning administrator Callum Cole-Needham has been shortlisted for three separate regional awards...

Date Published: 02/05/2023 15:56

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May 2023 Market Commentary

High inflation continued to put the brakes on growth in many major economies throughout April, with the International Monetary Fund now expecting global growth to fall from 3.4% in 2022 to 2.8% in 2023. Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – casts her expert eye over some of the key events from the past month…

Date Published: 01/05/2023 15:57

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Why it's imperative to teach your children good financial habits..

As we all live and work through these unprecedented economic times, it’s never been more important to teach your children good financial habits. Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback appraises how this can best be done…

Date Published: 28/04/2023 14:21

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Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future? Watch Jillian in conversation with Natascha Engel

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas recently caught up with Natascha Engel, Chief Executive Officer of Palace Yard, an independent, cross-sector policy and research institute. The true potential of hydrogen for energy use is at the heart of a new briefing document produced by Palace Yard. The briefing document is available HERE and Natascha would greatly appreciate feedback from Futu…

Date Published: 25/04/2023 12:05

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What lies ahead for the UK's regional media? Hear Jillian in conversation with Nancy Fielder, editor-in-chief of National World Cities

The UK's regional media has traditionally ensured that we all remain fully informed... But what does its future hold in this digital age? In her latest video, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Nancy Fielder, editor-in-chief of National World Cities. National World publishes a host of leading titles including: The Edinburgh Evening News, The Star - Sheffield, Yorkshir…

Date Published: 19/04/2023 09:32

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Why all might not be quite as it seems with the inflation rate…

A great deal of media coverage has been dedicated to escalating inflation recently – and rightly so. But - writes Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback -all might not be as it first appears…

Date Published: 12/04/2023 12:40

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April 2023 Market Commentary

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank… the takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS… March has been anything but dull. Here, Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – casts her expert eye over the past month’s key financial events…

Date Published: 06/04/2023 09:49

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Now could be the right time to ensure your state pension is in the best possible shape...

Are there any shortfalls in your state pension? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback provides her expertise into what you can do to fill the gaps to maximise your future state retirement provision. But please do act fast!

Date Published: 31/03/2023 14:47

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Should I be worried about a new banking crisis?

Some of the recent headlines about bank collapses - and rescues - have made for stark reading. Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock is keeping a close eye on what’s unfolding…

Date Published: 27/03/2023 11:57

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Future Life Wealth Management shortlisted for three major Yorkshire Financial Awards

Future Life Wealth Management has been shortlisted in three separate categories of the Yorkshire Financial Awards 2023. The awards celebrate the very best of Yorkshire's outstanding financial services sector...

Date Published: 21/03/2023 06:51

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Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas appraises the key takeaways from the 2023 Budget

The 2023 Budget has now been presented to Parliament and we’ve learned that the UK economy will avoid a recession in 2023 as inflation plunges from recent highs. We've also learned that the government intends to abolish the pension lifetime allowance. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's founder and MD Jillian Thomas provides her professional insight into what the Chancellor has revealed - and di…

Date Published: 15/03/2023 19:45

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Jillian Thomas interviewed exclusively by Citywire New Model Adviser magazine

Jillian Thomas, founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management, was interviewed by the leading industry title for an article published on International Women’s Day 2023...

Date Published: 09/03/2023 10:56

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March 2023 Market Commentary

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 12 months ago has had a significant impact on the global economy, pushing up commodity prices, inflation and living costs around the world. Here, Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – lends her expertise into what’s happened over the past month…

Date Published: 08/03/2023 20:39

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Could confidence finally be returning to UK plc?

Jillian Thomas, managing director of Future Life Wealth Management, provides her professional opinion on what’s currently unravelling in the economy - and what needs to happen next...

Date Published: 06/03/2023 18:30

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How semiconductors are defining our age...

The US government has invested $52bn (£43bn) to help domestic semiconductor manufacturing and research. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback discusses the importance of the global race to ensure a secure supply of these critically important chips…

Date Published: 28/02/2023 14:56

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Do you feel in control of your finances?

As the cost of living crisis unravels, it's becoming increasingly important that we all fully understand how much money we have at our disposal. In the latest of a series of blogs examining this topic, Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock asks: "Do you feel in control of your finances?"

Date Published: 13/02/2023 13:11

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February 2023 Market Commentary

Many financial markets began 2023 on an upward trajectory. But the Russian invasion of Ukraine – now fast approaching its first anniversary – continues to cast its pall. Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – casts her expert eye over some of the key events from the past month…

Date Published: 07/02/2023 18:39

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Future Life Wealth Management shortlisted by Citywire New Model Adviser for top regional award

Future Life Wealth Management is in the running for a regional award after being shortlisted by leading financial planning industry magazine Citywire New Model Adviser…

Date Published: 06/02/2023 10:24

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Could 'ESG' investing be right for your portfolio? Listen to Jillian's conversation with Phoebe Stone, Head of Sustainable Investing at LGT Wealth Management

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas recently caught up with Phoebe Stone, Head of Sustainable Investing at LGT Wealth Management. Phoebe demystifies some of the terminology surrounding 'environmental, social and governance' (ESG) investments - and how they differ from 'mainstream' investments. Phoebe also appraises the significance of 'green energy' and discusses how LGT gauges susta…

Date Published: 03/02/2023 10:40

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Future Life Wealth Management's Callum targets career as paraplanner following apprenticeship success

One of Future Life Wealth Management’s star apprentices – Callum - has just successfully completed the first phase of his Chartered Institute of Insurance’s (CII) training programme. Here, our director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, provides an update on Callum’s progress to date…

Date Published: 30/01/2023 12:52

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How could fixed interest investments perform in 2023? Hear Jillian in conversation with Shilen Shah of Investec Wealth & Investment

How could fixed interest investments perform in 2023? What will the implications of inflation and the Bank of England base rate be for investors? Hear Jillian in conversation with Shilen Shah, head of fixed income solutions at Investec Wealth & Investment.

Date Published: 27/01/2023 13:44

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Exactly what is ‘Fiscal Drag’… and why does it matter to investors?

We’re hearing a great deal currently about ‘fiscal drag’ - but what is it and why does it matter to investors? Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial adviser Emma Baumback has been appraising the issues…

Date Published: 25/01/2023 17:32

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Do you understand the benefits ‘open banking’ could bring to your life... and finances?

We've heard the term "open banking" a great deal lately - but what does it mean and what benefits could it bring to your life and finances? Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock appraises some of the key issues...

Date Published: 20/01/2023 17:22

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What does 2023 hold in store for investors? Hear Future Life Wealth Management's MD in conversation with 7iM's Chief Investment Officer

At the start of 2023, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Martyn Surguy, Chief Investment Officer of 7iM. Jillian seeks Martyn's views on: the outlook for the UK's economy in the coming year; why the equity market kickstarted 2023 in such an unexpected way; what potentially lies in store for energy prices - besides much more...

Date Published: 17/01/2023 15:27

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January Market Commentary

As 2022 drew to a close, there was a mixed picture worldwide as major economies sought to respond to soaring energy prices, rising living costs and the continuing impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here, Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – looks at where we left off in 2022 around the world…

Date Published: 06/01/2023 14:39

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Why it's essential to consider your State Pension in 2023

At the start of 2023, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas is calling on everyone to ensure that all's well with their state pension. For example, do you know when your state pension will be paid? Are you certain that there aren't any gaps in your payments? If there are gaps, would you like to remedy this situation both quickly and easily? Here, Jillian presents you with the facts and…

Date Published: 05/01/2023 16:50

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What could 2023 potentially hold in store for investors? Watch Jillian's latest interview with Justin Urquhart Stewart

The past 12 months have been one of the most memorable years on record for both investors and investments. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas speaks exclusively to Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally. Jill and Justin appraise the ramifications of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the implications of the FED's actions, China's stance on the Covid pandemic, the UK's now infamous mi…

Date Published: 22/12/2022 13:17

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Sending warmest Christmas wishes - and Future Life Wealth Management's festive opening hours...

The entire Future Life Wealth Management team would like to extend the warmest possible Christmas greetings to all our clients, partners and friends. We shall close at 5pm on Thursday, December 22, and reopen at 9am on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. For urgent queries, please contact .

And please do make time to watch our 'ElfYourself' festive greeting - we hope you enjoy…

Date Published: 21/12/2022 20:02

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Why it’s never been more important to set ‘financial’ new year’s resolutions for 2023…

Have you considered adjusting your financial habits to ensure a new year that's even more prosperous? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock states the case for doing so…

Date Published: 19/12/2022 11:42

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What investors must consider... Hear Jillian in conversation with investment analyst Tom Watts of abrdn

At the end of a fascinating year - both economically and politically - Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with leading investment analyst, Tom Watts, of global investment company, abrdn. Jill asks Tom for his insight into: some of the key terminology investors should listen out for currently; the enduring implications of the 'Mini-Budget'; and much more besides...

Date Published: 16/12/2022 18:06

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Future Life Wealth Management seeks new financial planning administrator

Future Life Wealth Management is looking to recruit a new financial planning administrator in 2023. Do you know anyone who might want to take their career to the next level?

Date Published: 09/12/2022 13:49

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December 2022 Market Commentary

In November, there was plenty for world stock markets to worry about – but the markets largely shrugged aside the concerns, with some making significant gains. Here, Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – casts her eye over what’s unfolding…

Date Published: 06/12/2022 08:33

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Why it’s good to talk about money this Christmas

With inflation at its highest in more than 40 years and energy and grocery expenses continuing to rise, many people are feeling the squeeze - possibly even more so now that Christmas is near. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock appraises the issues…

Date Published: 05/12/2022 14:38

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Do successive World Cups ‘run on natural gas?’

Do successive World Cups ‘run on natural gas?’ Here, Future Life’s independent financial adviser Emma Baumback provides her perspective…

Date Published: 01/12/2022 14:04

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Hear national 'Transformational Leader of the Year' Award winner Jillian Thomas' tips for success

Future Life Wealth Management‘s founder and managing director Jillian Thomas was recently named ‘Transformational Leader’ at the Forward Ladies 2022 Awards. In her latest video for Future Life TV, Jillian outlines what the award means to her - both personally and professionally - and shares her guidance into transformational leadership for entrepreneurs...

Date Published: 29/11/2022 20:23

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Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas crowned Transformational Leader at the Forward Ladies Awards 2022

Future Life Wealth Management’s founder and managing director Jillian Thomas has won the Transformational Leader category of the national Forward Ladies Awards 2022...

Date Published: 25/11/2022 15:05

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Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas shares her top tips for public speaking with rising business stars

Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas has been ensuring that the next generation of entrepreneurs in the East Midlands can achieve their full potential by providing them with invaluable public speaking tips...

Date Published: 23/11/2022 18:38

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The Autumn 2022 Budget - What it means for investors, pensioners, entrepreneurs... and the UK's wellbeing

Future Life Wealth Management's MD, Jillian Thomas, has been scrutinizing the detail that rests at the heart of Autumn 2022 Budget. In addition to picking up on the repercussions for investors, pensioners and entrepreneurs, Jill also highlights how the chancellor has backed reforms to the Solvency II regime that could unlock up to £3.4 trillion for investment across the economy...

Date Published: 18/11/2022 14:11

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Derbyshire Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 award winner Jillian Thomas' tips for success

Jillian Thomas, founder and MD of Future Life Wealth Management, has recently been crowned 'Entrepreneur of the Year" at East Midlands Chamber's Derbyshire Business Awards 2022. In her latest video for Future Life TV, Jill shares some insight into the entrepreneurial approach that has resulted in her success... As Jill outlines, preparation and determination are of fundamental importance - and the…

Date Published: 16/11/2022 15:18

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What must the Chancellor do to resolve the current economic situation? Hear Jillian Thomas' views on BBC Radio Sheffield...

As Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, prepares to present his first budget, the thoughts of Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas were sought by BBC Radio Sheffield's Afternoon Show, presented by Howard Pressman. Jillian calls on the Chancellor for a cautious approach to balancing the books...

Date Published: 14/11/2022 19:59

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Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas scoops major Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Future Life Wealth Management's founder and managing director Jillian Thomas has been crowned Entrepreneur of the Year at the East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards 2022...

Date Published: 12/11/2022 17:11

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Hear Jillian's views regarding the potential repercussions of the 0.75% base rate increase

The Bank of England has warned that the UK is heading for its longest recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s - and it increased the base rate by 0.75% in a bid to tackle this issue head-on. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas provides her insight into what's unfolding - and discusses what investors must consider...

Date Published: 04/11/2022 18:06

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October 2022 Market Commentary

The past month’s events in Westminster can rightly be likened to a soap opera. But the effect of what’s unravelled has had less of an impact on the UK’s investment markets than might at first be imagined. Indeed, many global stock markets have grown over the past month. Here, Jillian Thomas – founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management – casts her eye over what’s unfolding…

Date Published: 03/11/2022 13:30

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Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas shortlisted for major national award

Future Life Wealth Management’s founder and managing director Jillian Thomas has been shortlisted in the Transformational Leader category of the Forward Ladies Awards 2022...

Date Published: 02/11/2022 16:15

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Do young people need more financial education in the face of the escalating cost of living crisis?

As the cost of living crisis unravels, it’s never been more important than it is now for young people's financial education to be prioritised. Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock discusses why this is the case...

Date Published: 27/10/2022 10:03

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What could be the fallout of Liz Truss' resignation? Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas airs her views...

Liz Truss has resigned as UK prime minister blaming turbulent economic conditions. There was subsequently a muted response on the markets after Truss' announcement - although the pound rose initially in the immediate aftermath of her statement. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's founder and MD Jillian Thomas airs her view on what's currently likely to unfold for investors...

Date Published: 20/10/2022 18:29

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Future Life Wealth Management named in UK Top 100 list for the tenth successive year

Future Life Wealth Management has been officially recognised as one of the UK’s best financial planners for the tenth successive year by New Model Adviser...

Date Published: 19/10/2022 14:44

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Future Life's Jillian Thomas supports major investigation into funeral plan providers by BBC One's Rip Off Britain programme

FUTURE Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas has assisted BBC One's flagship Rip Off Britain programme into a major investigation into pre-paid funeral plan providers....

Date Published: 14/10/2022 14:57

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Future Life Wealth Management’s Emma scoops “Outstanding Contribution to Female Enterprise” recognition

Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been recognised at the Enterprising Women Awards 2022...

Date Published: 07/10/2022 09:16

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October 2022 Market Commentary

September felt like a massively significant chapter in both politics and UK history. It was the month that our beloved Queen Elizabeth II passed away while Liz Truss also became Prime Minister. And it was a difficult month for the markets, too… Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas places everything that’s been unravelling over the past month in context…

Date Published: 06/10/2022 15:17

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Watch Jillian Thomas' assessment of the current economic situation...

The Chancellor of the Exchequer's recent mini-budget has gone down badly in the financial markets. Mortgage rates have risen and the Bank of England has been forced to step in to halt a run on pension funds. But the situation is both fast-moving and complex. In the latest video for Future Life TV, Jillian Thomas - Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management - lends her invaluable insight in…

Date Published: 03/10/2022 17:37

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All about economic stability... Hear Jillian Thomas interviewed by Jason Mohammad on BBC Radio Wales

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was invited onto BBC Radio Wales' Breakfast Show, presented by Jason Mohammad today. Jason asks Jillian for her views on the implications of what's unravelling on our financial future lives. Jillian calls for economic stability to be prioritised first and foremost...

Date Published: 03/10/2022 12:41

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New ONS labour market data ‘concerning’ for those without ongoing investment plan in place

Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas’ eye was caught by a recent Tweet from the ONS suggesting that more people aged between 50 and 64 are now becoming ‘economically inactive’. Here, Jillian explains why this is of serious concern – and what needs to happen…

Date Published: 30/09/2022 14:37

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The Autumn Mini-Budget Overview 2022

So, what was it? A ‘fiscal event’? A Mini Budget? Or a full-blown Budget from a new Chancellor determined to take the UK in a very different direction from previous occupants of 11 Downing Street? As we will see in more detail below, reactions to the measures introduced by Kwasi Kwarteng on Friday, September 23, were sharply divided. Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas appraises what…

Date Published: 28/09/2022 09:40

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Why time alone will reveal whether the radical ‘mini-budget’ is an abject disaster… or pure brilliance

The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s ‘mini-budget’ has prompted an exceptional day, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas. But it remains as essential as ever to stick to your medium to long-term investment strategy…

Date Published: 23/09/2022 18:45

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Future Life Wealth Management to close its office for the Day of National Mourning

Future Life Wealth Management to close its office for the Day of National Mourning on Monday, 19th September, 2022.

Date Published: 14/09/2022 17:59

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As the economic crisis unravels, how can we best cope? Jillian Thomas gauges the expert opinion of transformational coach Jules Wyman

As we enter one of the most serious financial situations of our lifetimes, we are witnessing constantly escalating anxieties. So, how can we all cope best? Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with transformational coach Jules Wyman, founder of Positive Belief Ltd, to discover more...

Date Published: 12/09/2022 15:49

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September 2022 Market Commentary

Throughout August, there was eager anticipation of what would happen when the new prime minister took office - not least on how she will tackle the ongoing cost of living crisis and what support she will offer to struggling households and businesses. While many of these details remain to be seen, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas casts her eye over other significant events from the…

Date Published: 07/09/2022 13:57

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What is the new Mothers Missing Millions initiative? Hear Jillian Thomas' views on why it's so important...

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was invited onto BBC Radio Sheffield's Afternoon Show, presented by Howard Pressman, on Friday to discuss the new Mothers Missing Millions initiative. This is highlighting historic errors in state pensions and could mean that many women are entitled to a larger pension that they are currently getting. So, what's the reason for this? The situation h…

Date Published: 05/09/2022 09:59

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What the new PM must prioritise - and what investors must consider...

As the UK prepares to welcome a new prime minister, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas speaks exclusively to Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally. Jill and Justin cut through the "wall-to-wall noise" surrounding the economy currently to ascertain precisely what's unravelling, what the new prime minister must prioritise and what investors need to consider...

Date Published: 02/09/2022 10:49

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Why we must not inadvertently talk up a fully-fledged cost of living ‘code red emergency’

The cost of living crisis shows no signs of abating… Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas argues that we must not inadvertently ‘talk up’ an even worse situation…

Date Published: 26/08/2022 14:02

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Food costs push inflation to 40-year high

Inflation is escalating – but what does it mean for you? Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback shares her expertise…

Date Published: 25/08/2022 14:02

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Why it’s now more essential than ever to stick to your investment strategy

The Office for National Statistics has revealed that inflation rose to 10.1% in July - which is the biggest leap witnessed for 40 years. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas provides her insight and analysis into what investors need to be consider at this point in time…

Date Published: 18/08/2022 17:25

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Why High-Net-Worth Individuals must be more mindful than ever about online scams...

There have been an increasing number of online scams targeting high-net-worth (HNW) individuals. Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, continues to closely monitor this situation – and is encouraging all our clients to be extra vigilant…

Date Published: 12/08/2022 13:45

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Future Life Wealth Management’s MD talks exclusively to 7im's Chief Investment Officer

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas secured an exclusive interview with 7im's Chief Investment Officer, Martyn Surguy. In a wide-ranging discussion, Jillian asks Martyn about his opinions on the investment markets so far in 2022, the impact of developments in both China and the US - and what lessons investors must learn from the pandemic.

Date Published: 09/08/2022 09:44

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August 2022 Market Commentary

Away from Westminster, the war in Ukraine continued, inflation maintained its upward path and – if you like your glass half-empty – there were also plenty of gloomy economic forecasts. Nonetheless, July was an excellent month for world stock markets. Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas casts her critical eye over what’s been unfolding…

Date Published: 08/08/2022 14:55

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Future Life Wealth Management shortlisted for two top business awards

Future Life Wealth Management has been shortlisted for two major awards in the East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards 2022...

Date Published: 04/08/2022 08:21

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When's best to sell your business? How Future Life Wealth Management can help...

It's one of the most important decisions faced by every entrepreneur... Precisely when's the best time to sell your business? Future Life Wealth Management's founder and MD Jillian Thomas explains that it's essential to start planning for the sale - as well as your retirement - on the very first day your business is launched...

Date Published: 02/08/2022 14:34

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Will you be affected if the State Pension age increases to 68 sooner than anticipated?

The age you can draw your State Pension could rise to 68 earlier than expected - but will this affect you? Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback appraises what's happening - and issues a clarion call to contact us at the earliest opportunity if you're concerned about the repercussions for your retirement plans…

Date Published: 26/07/2022 09:51

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There are 1.8m job vacancies – so just who will fill them?

There were recently 1.8 million job openings listed across the UK – and that figure was up 15% on the previous month. Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations assesses what’s happening... and what needs to happen.

Date Published: 20/07/2022 17:45

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Would you switch your bank account for a 5% interest rate?

If your hard-earned cash isn’t earning as much interest as it should be, then get in touch with Future Life Wealth Management at the earliest opportunity. We have access to cash platforms which offer higher rates of interest. Our independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been casting her expert eye over what’s unfolding in the wider marketplace…

Date Published: 14/07/2022 15:56

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Motorists driving less to mitigate cost of living emergency

Many of us are changing the way we use our cars. The reason? Prices at the petrol pumps are going through the roof… along with what we pay for electricity, gas and groceries.  Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, assesses what's happening - and ponders what now needs to happen...

Date Published: 06/07/2022 10:28

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July 2022 Market Commentary

We’re undoubtedly living through difficult economic times. In short, June wasn’t a good month for inflation or the markets… Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas make sense of what’s been unravelling over the last month…

Date Published: 05/07/2022 10:31

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Do you want to grow your business? How Future Life Wealth Management can help...

Future Life Wealth Management's founder and MD Jillian Thomas is frequently asked: "What's the best way to grow a successful business?" Here, Jillian provides her invaluable insight - and discusses the importance of robust and constantly evolving business plans, exit strategies and ensuring the right professional support is consistently in place... 

Date Published: 29/06/2022 10:29

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Calls for 12% auto-enrolment pensions contributions...

Proposed reforms of auto-enrolment could narrow the pensions under-savings gap in the future. Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback appraises the issues...

Date Published: 27/06/2022 15:04

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Current observations on the Investment Markets

Jillian Thomas, Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management

Inflation, interest rates and geopolitical events have driven investment markets so far this year. Although, these three factors are all inextricably linked, this snapshot focuses on why equity markets are impacted negatively by inflation over the short-term.

These are extraordinary times, on the economic and investment front wit…

Date Published: 24/06/2022 16:45

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Jillian Thomas talks exclusively to East Midlands Chamber's Chief Executive Scott Knowles

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas has been speaking exclusively to Scott Knowles​, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber. Precisely what issues are at the forefront of entrepreneurs' minds currently - and what must be done? Scott provides us with the Chamber's latest findings - and discusses what the East Midlands Freeport will bring to the region.

Date Published: 21/06/2022 18:13

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FLWM's work experience administrator Eva kick-starts her high-flying career

At Future Life Wealth Management, we’ve always taken immense pride in helping foster the next generation of talent. And we were delighted when the academic achievements of one of our latest recruits were officially recognised earlier this month…

Date Published: 20/06/2022 14:35

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All about that Base Rate... Hear Jillian Thomas interviewed by Sian Lloyd on BBC Radio Wales

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was invited onto BBC Radio Wale's Drive show, presented by Sian Lloyd yesterday evening. Sian asks Jillian for her views on what the Bank of England's interest rate increase to 1.25% means for us all. As Jillian highlights, more increases to the base rate now seem inevitable as we increasingly see spending habits change...

Date Published: 17/06/2022 06:32

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Does the 'Buy Now, Pay Later' market need more regulation?

As the cost-of-living crisis unfolds, 'Buy Now, Pay Later" is fast becoming a phenomenon of our age. But does this growing business model now require urgent regulation? Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been appraising the facts…

Date Published: 16/06/2022 16:55

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What can be done to counteract the cost-of-living crisis? Hear Jillian Thomas' views...

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was invited onto BBC Radio Sheffield's Breakfast Show, presented by Becky Measures, this morning to discuss what can be done to combat the cost-of-living crisis. As Jillian outlines, small steps can make a massive difference when it comes to saving money - and it's astonishing what you can save!

Date Published: 13/06/2022 14:11

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June 2022 Market Commentary

The spectre of a lengthy war in Eastern Europe continued to cast a shadow over many global economies in May. Despite all the difficulties that this horrific conflict continues to cause, not all markets faltered – and the FTSE 100 achieved modest growth. Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas casts her expert eye over what’s been evolving…

Date Published: 07/06/2022 11:37

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Future Life Wealth Management's James Hardwick shortlisted for top award

Our senior financial planning administrator, James Hardwick, has been shortlisted for a major East Midlands-wide award recognising his exceptional customer service...

Date Published: 03/06/2022 09:53

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Why the cost of living crisis must not impact pension saving

The cost of living crisis will have myriad repercussions on all our lives - and Chancellor Rishi Sunak recently announced a raft of measures to help alleviate this situation. Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback casts her eye over what's unfolding - and issues a clarion call to not overlook the importance of pensions...

Date Published: 30/05/2022 08:29

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How bad could it get for British businesses?

At this point in history, it's never been more imperative that 'UK plc' looks to the future confidently. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, spells out why this matters - and why we shouldn't let negativity knock us off course...

Date Published: 24/05/2022 12:08

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FLWM’s Jillian Thomas supports BBC One's Rip Off Britain LIVE

Jillian Thomas’ expertise surrounding the collapse of pre-paid funeral plan providers has been sought by Rip Off Britain LIVE's production team …

Date Published: 20/05/2022 14:41

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What could happen to inflation in 2022 - and what does it mean for investors?

It’s all been about the base rate in recent weeks as the Bank of England attempts to ensure that soaring inflation is kept in check. But what does everything that’s unravelling truly mean for investors? Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas has been considering this precise issue…

Date Published: 13/05/2022 14:04

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May 2022 Market Commentary

Mounting concerns about inflation, increasing supply chain problems, Amazon’s first quarterly loss since 2015 and the evolution of the horrific war in Ukraine combined to make April a poor month for the markets. Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas considers the implications of what’s been unravelling…

Date Published: 06/05/2022 10:16

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Interest rates vs Inflation - What investors must be mindful of now...

Now’s the time to ensure that your savings and investments are truly working for you. Jillian Thomas, managing director Future Life Wealth Management, outlines some of the key financial considerations that are currently unfolding.

Date Published: 05/05/2022 14:57

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The Investment Markets: What impact will 'fuel ransoms', the value of sterling, increasing inflation and the escalating war in Ukraine ultimately have?

We're all living - and working - through unprecedented times. So, what do investors truly need to consider now? Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally, to garner his invaluable insight...

Date Published: 02/05/2022 12:19

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Are you one of the 3.6 million Britons who have lost track of their pension savings?

The number of pensions we all possess will increase dramatically in the future. Consequently, it’s never been more important to take professional advice at the earliest possible opportunity, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback.

Date Published: 27/04/2022 14:11

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Explaining the Metaverse

The Metaverse is being feted as the ‘next big thing’. But what is it – and how could it transform your daily life. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering the repercussions…

Date Published: 21/04/2022 16:15

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Will the planned changes being introduced by the Trust Registration Service affect you?

Will the planned changes being introduced by the Trust Registration Service affect you?

Date Published: 18/04/2022 12:06

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Future Life Wealth Management seeks new bookkeeper with flair for numbers

Future Life Wealth Management is seeking to appoint a new bookkeeper and financial assistant. If you – or anyone you know – fits the bill, please do get in touch at the earliest opportunity…

Date Published: 13/04/2022 10:52

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April 2022 Market Commentary

The war in Ukraine continues to dominate the news and this situation – so very sadly - shows no immediate signs of abating. Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas casts her critical eye over what’s been unravelling on the domestic and international markets over the past month…

Date Published: 04/04/2022 16:09

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Inheritance tax payments have doubled in the last decade... Are you fully prepared?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak was notably silent when it came to inheritance tax in his recent Spring Statement. Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas argues that this only increases the imperative to take steps to mitigate or reduce your inheritance tax liability…

Date Published: 01/04/2022 16:24

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Why professional financial advice remains essential for clarity and confidence surrounding your financial future

There has never been a more important time to start working with a professional - and regulated - financial adviser, argues Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner, Emma Baumback...

Date Published: 29/03/2022 16:13

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Spring Statement 2022: Why Jillian Thomas believes that many grave questions remain unanswered...

The Chancellor's Spring Statement to help Britain combat the cost-of-living crisis provided a "mixed bag" of handouts and tax squeezes. While the controversial rise of 1.25 percentage points in National Insurance (NI) remained, the threshold at which workers start paying it will be raised. Jillian Thomas, MD of Future Life Wealth Management, casts her expert eye over what's unravelling - and calls…

Date Published: 24/03/2022 15:07

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Beware the increasing number of ‘Subscription Scams’…

We need to carefully watch those subscriptions that we have in place – and be increasingly vigilant for ‘subscription scams’, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock…

Date Published: 18/03/2022 17:19

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Inflation Update 2022: What must savers and investors consider?

Prices are rising in the supermarkets and on the forecourts - and then there's the potential impact that essential sanctions on Russia will also have on inflation in the future. Here, Jillian Thomas, Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management, makes sense of what's unfolding for investors - and savers...

Date Published: 11/03/2022 14:23

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Russia and the UK's energy security: Why Jillian's article from 2018 now has even greater resonance...

Nearly three and a half years ago, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas penned an opinion piece for the Yorkshire Post which has proved uncannily prescient. In the article, Jillian voiced her mounting concerns about Russia's behaviour and the implications of this on both the security of this country's energy supply - and on all our lives. Here, Future Life Wealth Management republishe…

Date Published: 10/03/2022 18:27

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March 2022 Market Commentary

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has truly dominated the past month – and this is likely to be the case for many weeks to come. Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas shares her expertise into what’s unfolding…

Date Published: 04/03/2022 15:05

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The Ukraine Crisis: Some emerging considerations...

The Ukraine crisis has plunged the entire world into truly uncharted times. Here, Jillian Thomas, founder and MD of Future Life Wealth Management, considers some of the potential repercussions for investors... 

Date Published: 03/03/2022 18:17

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The repercussions of the pension age moving from 55 to 57…

The minimum pension age for accessing workplace and personal retirement savings is set to go up from 55 to 57 in 2028. Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback assesses the situation…

Date Published: 25/02/2022 10:07

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Why women must seek professional financial help as soon as possible…

New statistics clearly demonstrate that women are reticent about asking for financial help. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial advisor Emma Baumback explains why it’s never been more essential for them to seek professional guidance at the earliest opportunity…

Date Published: 22/02/2022 10:06

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Will you keep working after turning 65?

Britain’s self-employed – and particularly our shopkeepers – are the backbone of our economy. But if you’re thinking about venturing into business on your own then don’t hesitate to utilise our expertise, writes Future Life Wealth Management’s director of operations Keeley Woodcock…

Date Published: 18/02/2022 08:33

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Why critical illness cover is truly of critical importance…

New research from Zurich Insurance Group has shown that the average age expectancy for critical illness cover claims is far earlier than might be imagined. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s managing director Jillian Thomas issues a clarion call to those without cover…

Date Published: 11/02/2022 11:28

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Why we must look past Partygate to discern what really counts

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas firmly believes that 'Partygate' is serious - but it's distracting from an infinitely more serious scandal. Jillian first wrote this artlicle for publication in The Yorkshire Post, which can be read HERE.

Date Published: 04/02/2022 11:41

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February 2022 Market Commentary

January was the month when 'Partygate' grabbed the headlines - while enduring concerns about inflation and National Insurance hikes played on many people's minds. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas casts her critical eye over some of the key developments that have unravelled nationally and internationally over the past month...

Date Published: 03/02/2022 13:09

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What impact will the Ukraine crisis, inflation and National Insurance hikes have on the investment markets?

The markets have had a traumatic start to 2022 - so what do investors truly need to bear in mind at this point in time? Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally, to garner his expertise...

Date Published: 31/01/2022 16:44

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Inflation: what must savers - and investors - consider?

Inflation has increasingly become front page news recently - and that's unlikely to change any time soon. But where does everything that's unfolding leave savers - and investors - at this point in time? Jillian Thomas, Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management, shares her insight into this crucially important topic...

Date Published: 28/01/2022 12:13

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What's next for the UK as the cost of living crisis intensifies?

Data has recently shown UK prices rising at their highest rate for 30 years - highlighting the country's cost-of-living crisis. But what do savers and investors need to keep front of mind at this point in time - and what needs to happen? Here, Future Life Wealth Management's Managing Director Jillian Thomas shares her professional insight...

Date Published: 21/01/2022 16:52

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Why mentoring programmes remain essential for the future success of 'UK plc'

What will be the long-term repercussions of the pandemic stopping mentoring programmes? Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering the implications for businesses of what’s unravelling...

Date Published: 13/01/2022 14:51

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Future Life Wealth Management kickstarts 2022 with further expansion

Future Life Wealth Management has created a new role to ensure that the firm consistently provides the most comprehensive service to clients...

Date Published: 06/01/2022 14:01

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January 2022 Market Commentary

As 2022 dawns, inflation, interest rates and Elon Musk’s £8.14bn tax bill have all been making the headlines. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's managing director Jillian Thomas appraises what’s been unravelling on the financial markets over the past month – and year…

Date Published: 05/01/2022 17:17

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Season's Greetings from the Future Life Wealth Management Team!

Every good wish from the entire team at Future Life Wealth Management for the festive season and the New Year!

Future Life's office will be closing at 5pm on Thursday, December 23rd, 2021 and reopening at 9am on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022. Our office number - 01246 435996 - will be manned for emergency calls throughout the festive period should you ever need to reach us.

Date Published: 23/12/2021 08:51

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The Omicron situation in India

Future Life Wealth Management's founder and MD Jillian Thomas catches up our friend in India, Shradha Thapliyal, about the growing impact the Omicron variant is taking on her country. Shradha - who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas - also shares her hopes and aspirations for India in 2022...

Date Published: 22/12/2021 10:23

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Why women must take their retirement even more seriously in 2022 – and beyond…

Women are living longer than ever before… But are they financially prepared for their retirements? Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been appraising the issues…

Date Published: 17/12/2021 14:53

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Seven in Ten of us Want a Career Change... So, where does that leave Employers?

The way we work is evolving at an unprecedented rate - and many of us are also mulling a career change. Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock considers the implications of what's unravelling for both employers and employees...

Date Published: 13/12/2021 16:47

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December Market Commentary

Energy prices, inflation and the new Omicron variant have dominated the headlines over the past month. But there have been many other significant developments too – not least Amazon announcing ‘aggressive’ plans to enter the UK supermarket sector.  Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas provides her detailed analysis...

Date Published: 03/12/2021 19:51

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What might lie ahead for the economy in 2022?

What lies ahead for the economy - with its potential impact on portfolios - in 2022? Which key events in national and international politics will continue to unravel in coming months? Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas caught up with Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally, to garner his insight...

Date Published: 02/12/2021 16:21

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Future Life Wealth Management's Associate Firm status with the PFS renewed

Future Life Wealth Management Limited has just had our Associate Firm status with the Personal Finance Society (PFS) renewed. Being an Associate Firm means we are publicly aligned with the PFS, the professional body for the financial planning sector. The PFS has produced this short animation to explain our joint commitment to professional standards. 

Date Published: 02/12/2021 16:05

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The Base Rate - What an Increase could mean for Investors...

What would be the impact on investors of the Bank of England deciding to increase the Base Rate - and could the emergence of the new Covid-19 Omicron variant affect this decision? Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jill Thomas lends her expertise...

Date Published: 30/11/2021 12:14

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Brushing scam: Have you received an unexpected Amazon parcel? This might be why...

More than one million UK households are thought to have already fallen victim to the so-called 'brushing' scam. Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, explains why we must all be hypervigilant...

Date Published: 22/11/2021 11:27

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Will COP26 Affect my Savings and Investments?

In the wake of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, it's now down to the politicians to deliver on their promises. Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been considering the ramifications for investors...

Date Published: 17/11/2021 12:40

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How to make your online accounts as safe as possible...

Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been assessing how we can all stay safer online - and we overlook the strength of our passwords at our peril...

Date Published: 11/11/2021 16:04

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Future Life Wealth Management is changing the way we communicate with our clients...

Future Life Wealth Management is changing the way we communicate with our clients from January 1, 2022.

Date Published: 08/11/2021 16:31

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November Market Commentary

An immense amount has started unravelling economically - and politically - over the past month. From Tesla and Google's record profits to Microsoft reclaiming the title of the ‘world’s most valuable company'... And then there was the UK Budget. Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas provides her detailed analysis...

Date Published: 05/11/2021 11:01

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Future Life Wealth Management named in UK Top 100 list for the ninth successive year

Future Life Wealth Management has been named one of the UK's Top 100 financial advisers by New Model Advisor for the ninth successive year...

Date Published: 02/11/2021 10:22

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Future Life Wealth Management grows with three new hires

Future Life Wealth Management has expanded following a recent recruitment drive...

Date Published: 27/10/2021 12:16

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The cost of Covid, climate change & culture - how the situation in India is evolving...

Jillian Thomas catches up with Future Life Wealth Management's friend in India, Shradha Thapliyal, about the impact coronavirus is reaping on her country. Shradha - who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas - also discusses prevailing concerns over both climate change and the impact of tourism...

Date Published: 22/10/2021 16:49

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The War for Talent: What is it? And could it impact your savings and investments?

Could the UK's economic recovery be hampered by the "War for Talent"? And could this, in turn, have an influence on your savings and investments? Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering these precise questions...

Date Published: 21/10/2021 17:43

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Could inflation turn to 'stagflation' - and what would be the potential impact on investment portfolios?

What does the impact of inflation - and the spectre of 'stagflation' - truly mean for investment portfolios at this point in time? Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Regionally, for his analysis...

Date Published: 15/10/2021 14:34

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Entrepreneurship has never been more necessary for 'UK plc'

The UK has recently been named as the best country in Europe to start a business. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, argues that it's essential for the UK to build on this success - and look to the future positively...

Date Published: 11/10/2021 13:56

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October Market Commentary

With October now upon us, Jill Thomas casts her eyes over what's happened on the global markets over the past month - including the repercussions of the global supply chain shortages and disruptions, downgraded economic growth forecasts for China... and whether fully-autonomous ships could one day pilot themselves.

Date Published: 05/10/2021 11:49

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Why it's never been more imperative to plan for Inheritance Tax...

Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback believes we must all now proactively consider the full repercussions of inheritance tax (IHT) at the earliest opportunity...

Date Published: 30/09/2021 17:37

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How will the 1.25% National Insurance hike affect British businesses?

The government has recently passed a bill in parliament meaning that National Insurance will rise by 1.25%. The Treasury has said that the £12bn this raises will tackle the NHS backlog and put adult social care “on a sustainable long-term footing.” But what's the reality? Here, Jillian Thomas, founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management, discusses both the implications for busin…

Date Published: 29/09/2021 11:56

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What will be the effects of inflation on cash deposits?

Jillian Thomas, founder and managing director of Future Life Wealth Management, places the record leap in inflation to 3.2% in August in context. What does it mean for our daily lives - as well as our financial lives?

Date Published: 22/09/2021 10:48

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More ‘flexible’ careers will only increase the need for effective financial planning

Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations Keeley Woodcock firmly believes that changing working patterns will ultimately mean that there's an even greater need for the most proactive financial planners...

Date Published: 15/09/2021 13:26

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Hear Jillian Thomas' views on the planned changes to adult social care

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas was invited onto Paulette Edwards' show on BBC Radio Sheffield to discuss the financial repercussions of the government's planned changes to adult social care. As Jillian outlines, it's an essential topic for the government to get to grips with fully - but they must not land businesses with the biggest tax burden in 70 years... 

Date Published: 08/09/2021 15:26

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Future Life Wealth Management’s MD talks exclusively to BCC’s new Director General

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas secured an exclusive interview with the British Chamber of Commerce's new Director General, Shevaun Haviland. In a wide-ranging discussion, Jillian asked Shevaun what she currently believes are the main threats to the UK economy, what the government should be doing to ensure growth and what needs to happen to ‘level up’ the North.

Date Published: 06/09/2021 11:57

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September Market Commentary

At the start of September, Jill Thomas appraises what's happened on the global markets in August - including the repercussions of what's unfolding in Afghanistan, staff shortages across the UK and Amazon's potential expansion onto American high streets...

Date Published: 03/09/2021 13:07

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How will 4% inflation affect savings, portfolios... and 'UK plc'?

With inflation forecast by the Bank of England to hit 4% this year as Britain’s recovery from the pandemic accelerates, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart some highly incisive questions about what lies in store for savings, portfolios... and 'UK plc'.

Date Published: 02/09/2021 16:57

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Have you experienced the “Scamdemic?”

Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s independent financial planner Emma Baumback and director of operations Keeley Woodcock argue that we need to be more aware of online scams - and do whatever we can to stamp them out...

Date Published: 01/09/2021 20:27

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Could a shortage of staff derail an economic recovery?

Could one of the most severe shortages of workers ever encountered in the UK prevent the UK's post-Covid economic recovery? Future Life Wealth Management's Director of Operations Keeley Woodcock has been considering this precise topic...

Date Published: 18/08/2021 10:39

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Jillian Thomas shortlisted for major national award

Future Life Wealth Management's Jillian Thomas has been shortlisted in Professional Adviser's Women in Financial Advice Awards 2021... 

Date Published: 10/08/2021 14:19

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I am terminally ill; can you help me?

In this blog, Jillian Thomas talks about the sensitivities - and practicalities - of talking to clients who have been given a terminal diagnosis.

Date Published: 06/08/2021 11:35

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August Market Commentary

As we enter August we look back on the markets around the world in July, with talk of global corporation tax rates, inflationary pressures and shortages of garden gnomes.

Date Published: 03/08/2021 11:51

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The Covid situation in India

Jillian Thomas catches up with friend of the company, Shradha Thapliyal, who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas, to see how the Covid situation is in India. 

Date Published: 02/08/2021 15:57

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Major tax overhaul for the self-employed announced

Here, Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback considers the merits of the government's proposals to change the way the self-employed pay taxes...

Date Published: 27/07/2021 17:26

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Lockdown: who were the Winners and Losers?

Some businesses have prospered during the pandemic - while others have undoubtedly struggled. Here, Future Life Wealth Management's director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, casts her critical eye over what we've learned... 

Date Published: 23/07/2021 08:08

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Mounting pressure on the triple lock for State Pensions

Here, Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback considers what lies ahead for state pensions...

Date Published: 21/07/2021 12:46

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Jillian urges Yorkshire businesses to back a major new musical called 'The Canary Girls'

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas has long urged Yorkshire businesses to back an original new musical based in Sheffield entitled, 'The Canary Girls'. Co-written by former police detective Tim Nye, The Canary Girls is inspired by Sheffield’s famous ‘Women of Steel’ who worked in the steel industry during the Second World War. It has recently been confirmed that The Canary Girls wil…

Date Published: 19/07/2021 12:01

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What’s the best way to release value from your home?

What’s the best way to release value from your home? Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jillian Thomas and independent financial planner Emma Baumback consider three options…

Date Published: 15/07/2021 15:03

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Why 'When I'm Gone' lists are now essential for us all...

Future Life Wealth Management's MD Jillian Thomas has always proactively encouraged clients to ensure that they have both a will and lasting power of attorney in place. Here, Jillian explains why these documents should be supplemented with a "When I'm gone" list...

Date Published: 12/07/2021 16:49

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Are we entering an age of new working patterns?

Future Life Wealth Management's Director of Operations, Keeley Woodcock, has been considering whether working patterns could be about to change beyond recognition in the wake of the pandemic...

Date Published: 09/07/2021 16:46

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July Market Commentary

Concerns about inflation have grown over the past month. Now, with “Freedom Day” nearly upon us, Jillian Thomas considers what could be in store in the coming weeks...

Date Published: 05/07/2021 11:16

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What’s next for Britain’s housing market?

Future Life Wealth Management's independent financial planner Emma Baumback has been considering what's next for Britain’s housing market now the stamp duty holiday has begun tapering off?

Date Published: 01/07/2021 12:04

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Jillian Thomas' insight into business lessons learned from the pandemic

Jillian Thomas discusses how she has managed Future Life Wealth Management throughout the pandemic and provides some expert and practical guidance for other companies to follow.

Date Published: 30/06/2021 15:19

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What will be the potential impact of inflation rising to 3%?

With interest rates still at record low levels, the Bank of England recently forward forecasted that inflation will rise to 3% this year. Here, Future Life Wealth Management’s MD Jill Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart about the potential considerations and consequences.

Date Published: 28/06/2021 08:09

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The spirit of solidarity must continue...

Our MD Jill Thomas recently penned an article for unLTD magazine about how Future Life Wealth Management has emerged from the pandemic stronger - and how she now wants to help less fortunate companies thrive…

Date Published: 23/06/2021 13:51

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Jillian Thomas catches up with the founders of Marmadukes about their major new venue

Jillian Thomas, of Future Life Wealth Management, speaks to Clare and Tim Nye - who are the brains behind Marmadukes café and deli - about the opening of their third venue on Sheffield's Ecclesall Road.

Date Published: 18/06/2021 12:12

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What are the repercussions of the UK inflation rate jumping to 2.1%?

Future Life Wealth Management's Managing Director Jillian Thomas appraises the repercussions of the UK inflation rate leaping to 2.1% from a financial planner's perspective.

Date Published: 17/06/2021 14:35

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What lies in store for businesses across Sheffield post-pandemic?

Jillian Thomas, of Future Life Wealth Management, poses the questions to David Walsh, Business Editor of The Star, about what might lie ahead for businesses across the Sheffield City Region in the wake of the global pandemic...

Date Published: 15/06/2021 17:09

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Business confidence remains essential for 'UK plc's' future

Future Life Wealth Management’s Director of Operations, Keeley Woodcock, explains why 'business confidence' is essential for the wellbeing of ‘UK plc’…

Date Published: 11/06/2021 16:04

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Why post-pandemic entrepreneurship is truly imperative..

We're currently witnessing British entrepreneurship at its finest. Our director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, explains why this approach is truly imperative...

Date Published: 08/06/2021 09:08

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June Market Commentary

Apart from Boris's marriage and a shortage of chocolate Flakes, May was a relatively quiet month, muses Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 02/06/2021 11:07

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Does diversification work?

Financial planner Emma Baumback looks at the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio.

Date Published: 31/05/2021 09:54

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Jillian Thomas shortlisted for prestigious award

Future Life Wealth Management's Managing Director, Jillian Thomas, has been shortlisted in the Business Woman of the Year category of East Midlands Chamber’s Enterprising Women Awards 2021. Here, Jillian explains why she is both delighted and honoured to be nominated...

Date Published: 27/05/2021 13:28

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Financial planning in a post-pandemic world

It's never too early - or too late - to start planning for your financial future, explains our independent financial planner Emma Baumback...

Date Published: 17/05/2021 16:06

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The importance of having a Lifetime Cash Flow Plan

Our director of operations, Keeley Woodcock, discusses the importance of having a Lifetime Cash Flow Plan... 

Date Published: 14/05/2021 09:30

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How the pandemic is currently manifesting itself in India

Jillian Thomas talks to a longstanding friend of Future Life Wealth Management, Shradha Thapliyal, who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas, about the toll the pandemic is currently reaping on India.

Date Published: 11/05/2021 17:20

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The state of politics in the UK

Jillian Thomas talks to former MP Natascha Engel about being an MP and the state of politics in the UK.

Date Published: 06/05/2021 13:17

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May Market Commentary

As we enter May, Jillian Thomas takes a look back over April; a month where millions seemed to turn into billions and some organisations lost their vowels.

Date Published: 04/05/2021 17:16

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Savings v investing

With interest rates so low, our financial planner Emma Baumback takes a look at whether you should consider investing rather than saving. 

Date Published: 03/05/2021 10:01

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How can we stay safe online?

With cyber crime increasing over the last year, our director of operations Keeley Woodcock looks at how you can stay safe online. 

Date Published: 01/05/2021 09:51

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Are cash ISAs worth it?

Interest rates on savings accounts, including cash ISAs, are very low. So is it worth putting money in them? Jillian Thomas takes a look.

Date Published: 30/04/2021 10:36

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Is the UK economy bouncing back?

In their latest video chat Jillian Thomas and Justin Urquhart Stewart discuss new reports which suggest the UK economy might be bouncing back and also take a look at what impact the situation in India is having on the economy there and on world markets.

Date Published: 28/04/2021 17:19

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The future needs planning!

In an article that first appeared in Sheffield's UnLTD business magazine, Jillian Thomas argues that if the city wants to succeed, there needs to be a plan.

Date Published: 26/04/2021 17:19

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Just what are freeports?

Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about freeports and whether they will bring benefits.

Date Published: 21/04/2021 15:57

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More than half of adults are looking for financial advice

New research out shows that 53 per cent of UK adults are looking for financial advice. Jillian Thomas takes a look at the figures.

Date Published: 19/04/2021 10:59

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How can we help Sheffield Hospitals Charity?

In her latest video chat, Jillian Thomas catches up with Gareth Aston, the CEO of Sheffield Hospitals Charity, to find out what the charity does and how we can help.

Date Published: 15/04/2021 15:24

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Just what is modern day slavery?

In the second of her conversations with former police officer Paul Callum, Jillian Thomas delves into the murky world of human trafficking and modern day slavery, and asks what we can do to help stop this awful crime.

Date Published: 09/04/2021 13:12

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April Market Commentary

As we enter a new month and a new financial year, Jillian Thomas looks back on a month which saw a boat make the headlines.

Date Published: 05/04/2021 15:50

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How have Covid restrictions changed?

Director of operations Keeley Woodcock takes a look at the change to Covid rules and what it means for you and the way Future Life works with clients.

Date Published: 01/04/2021 11:03

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Have you paid off your credit card?

Figures show that people are paying off their credit cards more than they are spending. Jillian Thomas takes a look at the data.

Date Published: 31/03/2021 17:26

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Do you know the next top entrepreneur?

Our financial planner Emma Baumback has taken on an exciting new role and in her latest blog she encourages you to help her find the top young entrepreneurs in the East Midlands.

Date Published: 31/03/2021 13:56

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What impact does the roll out of the Covid vaccine in Europe have on the investment markets?

Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about the impact of the vaccine roll out in Europe on the investment markets. (And also reveals a happy bit of news about Justin!)

Date Published: 30/03/2021 17:21

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What is money laundering?

Here at Future Life we deal with the legal side of money, but what about those who are not so honest in their financial dealings? Jillian Thomas has been talking to a former police officer to find out.

Date Published: 29/03/2021 14:25

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What impact do current events in China have on our economy?

On a day when the Suez Canal is blocked by a massive container ship, Jillian Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart what impact events far away, and particularly in China, have on our economy.

Date Published: 24/03/2021 11:33

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It's so much more than a logo

We have signed up to the Personal Finance Society's Financial Vulnerability Charter. And it is a cause that is so much more than just a new logo on the website, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 23/03/2021 17:06

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Major pension funds commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050

There's been a lot of talk about climate change and ESG investments, so it's interesting to see the latest move by some pension funds, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 18/03/2021 12:15

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What have the lockdowns been like for businesses that have had to close?

Jillian turns the tables and asks her hairdresser the questions. Just what has it been like having to close in the lockdowns?

Date Published: 16/03/2021 12:26

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Should the UK go east?

Has leaving the EU given the UK more opportunities to trade? And who with? Jillian Thomas takes a look.

Date Published: 15/03/2021 13:16

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So what inspires an award-winning cartoonist?

Jillian Thomas has been chatting to award-winning Yorkshire Post cartoonist Graeme Bandeira about what inspires him to draw.

Date Published: 12/03/2021 13:24

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Who are the richest women in the world?

We hear a lot about the richest men in the world. But who are the richest women? Jillian Thomas has been taking a look.

Date Published: 11/03/2021 16:05

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Should you consider ESG investing?

In an article that first appeared in the Yorkshire Post, Jillian Thomas asks if we should put our money where our mouth is when it comes to climate change. 

Date Published: 09/03/2021 11:07

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So what did Jillian think of the Budget?

Jillian Thomas takes a look at the Budget from a financial planners point of view.

Date Published: 03/03/2021 17:11

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March 2021 Market Commentary

Welcome to the March Market Commentary: as you will see, February was a good month for world stock markets with virtually all the major markets moving in the right direction. 

Date Published: 02/03/2021 17:47

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What should be in the Budget

I was asked by David Walsh, business editor at the Sheffield Star, what I would like to see in the Budget on March 3rd 2021. These are my thoughts:

Date Published: 02/03/2021 17:11

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Is there any truth in old sayings when it comes to investing?

There are lots of old sayings that predict all sorts of things. But how many are true? Jillian Thomas has been considering those that relate to investing.

Date Published: 02/03/2021 09:51

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What impact has Biden had on the US economy?

Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about the impact of the Biden administration on the US markets.

Date Published: 01/03/2021 11:16

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What should Rishi say in his Budget?

Jillian Thomas has been chatting to Justin Urquhart Stewart about what the Chancellor should have in the Budget next week to help the economy.

Date Published: 25/02/2021 16:47

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Property funds: is it all doom and gloom?

Jillian Thomas argues that the doom and gloom over property funds has been overdone.

Date Published: 22/02/2021 16:01

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Should you put all your eggs in one basket?

A few people made millions last year investing in one company. So should you put all your eggs in one basket? Jillian Thomas takes a look. 

Date Published: 19/02/2021 15:20

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JIllian Thomas chats to Mark Casci, business editor at the Yorkshire Post

Jillian Thomas asks Mark Casci how he thinks businesses in Yorkshire are coping with the pandemic, how important the 'levelling up' agenda is for the north and why proper journalism is so important in a world of fake news.

Date Published: 17/02/2021 15:58

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Are you prepared for the rough seas ahead?

As we enter another uncertain year, Jillian Thomas warns that business owners need to be careful about what they cut back on to stay afloat.

Date Published: 12/02/2021 15:36

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Could you buy a Lamborghini?

Have you been tempted to dip into your pension pot? Jillian Thomas crunches the numbers to see who has. And asks - is it enough to buy a Lamborghini?

Date Published: 10/02/2021 10:13

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What would negative interest rates actually mean?

The Bank of England has given banks six months to prepare for the introduction of negative interest rates. Jillian Thomas has been taking a look at what that means.

Date Published: 05/02/2021 12:26

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Aligning your spending with your values

What drives our behaviour? And what influences where we want to spend or invest? Jillian Thomas takes a look.

Date Published: 03/02/2021 10:51

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February 2021 Market Commentary

It is already proving to be an eventful year, with Storm Cristoph and snow and vaccines. So what has it been like on the world markets? Jillian Thomas takes a look.

Date Published: 02/02/2021 15:18

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How Age UK is helping in the pandemic

Jillian Thomas talks to Steve Chu, chief executive of Age UK Sheffield, about what the charity is doing to help people in lockdown

Date Published: 01/02/2021 10:45

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Are changes to Capital Gains Tax on the horizon?

Jillian Thomas looks at proposals to change Capital Gains Tax and what impact they could have. 

Date Published: 30/01/2021 10:33

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What impact will Biden's presidency have on the US markets?

Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about what impact Biden's presidency will have on the US markets, particularly tech stocks.

Date Published: 29/01/2021 09:25

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Only two things certain in life - death and taxes

A survey of financial advisers has found that more than half believe they will have to deal with more Inheritance Tax cases over the next year. Jillian Thomas takes a look at the figures.

Date Published: 28/01/2021 17:05

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Dental health in lockdown

So just how are your teeth right now? Jillian Thomas chats to dentist Adam Toft about what we and dentists can do to keep our teeth healthy in lockdown.

Date Published: 26/01/2021 12:54

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Why hundreds of thousands of women could benefit from an obscure court ruling

The Yorkshire Post has published Jillian Thomas's thoughts about Guaranteed Minimum Pension equalisation. Read her thoughts here:

Date Published: 21/01/2021 16:25

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What makes a good business leader in lockdown?

Jillian Thomas asks Dean Proctor, CEO of Seven Investment Management, what qualities makes a good business leader in these difficult times.

Date Published: 18/01/2021 09:45

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Retirement planning around the world – good or bad?!

A survey of more than 20,000 people around the world has found some interesting statistics about how we plan for retirement. Jillian Thomas takes a look.

Date Published: 15/01/2021 09:38

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Just what are ESG investments - and should you invest in them?

Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about ESG - Ethical, Social and Governance - funds. Are they just a fad or worth investing in?

Date Published: 13/01/2021 13:21

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Could you benefit from Guaranteed Minimum Pension Equalisation?

A little known ruling about final salary pensions means thousands of women could be due pay-outs. Jillian Thomas explains why to Kate Betts.

Date Published: 11/01/2021 10:19

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What does Lockdown 3 mean to the financial services industry?

Jillian Thomas chats to Dean Proctor, CEO of Seven Investment Management, about what the new lockdown means for the financial services industry and the City.

Date Published: 05/01/2021 13:50

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January 2021 Market Commentary

As we enter a new month and a new year we take a look back at how the markets performed around the world in December. 

Date Published: 05/01/2021 13:28

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Financial New Year resolutions

Our financial planner Emma Baumback takes a look at how a few small steps now can make all the difference in the long term.

Date Published: 05/01/2021 11:08

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The one-pound challenge

As we start a new year, Jillian Thomas issues a new challenge that could help local businesses

Date Published: 04/01/2021 11:20

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Are premium bonds still worth it?

With the pay-outs from NS&I premium bonds dropping yet again, Jillian Thomas asks if they are worth buying.

Date Published: 03/01/2021 14:53

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Happy New Year!

Jillian Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart for his New Year resolutions in their latest video chat. (And this time they are joined by the cat!)

Date Published: 01/01/2021 17:20

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Can we have 2021 vision?

It was impossible to have 2020 vision, but can we predict what will happen in 2021?

Jillian Thomas attempts to look into the crystal ball to see what might lie ahead.

Date Published: 17/12/2020 14:55

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Our Emma - the next generation!

We are delighted to hear that financial planner Emma Baumback has been listed in the Top 35 Next Generation Advisers!

Date Published: 16/12/2020 13:00

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Long Covid - what does it feel like?

Jillian Thomas has been talking to Paulette Edwards on BBC Radio Sheffield about what it has been like to carry on working with Long Covid.

Date Published: 15/12/2020 17:33

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How do we pay for care for the elderly?

Jillian Thomas asks Justin Urquhart Stewart how he thinks we should pay for care for the elderly.

Date Published: 10/12/2020 12:33

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December 2020 Market Commentary

With the UK stuck in tiers, but a vaccine on the horizon and stock markets making significant gains, we ask if the glass is half empty or half full in our monthly look back at the markets. 

Date Published: 02/12/2020 12:15

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Why it is important to have your paperwork in place

Earlier this month we talked about the need for a business Lasting Power of Attorney. Now, in her latest blog, our director of operations Keeley Woodcock discusses why it is so important to have a Lasting Power of Attorney for your personal affairs too.

Date Published: 30/11/2020 17:29

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What will Brexit mean for the equity markets?

The equity markets have been impacted by Covid-19, but what will a deal or no-deal Brexit mean? Jillian Thomas has been asking Justin Urquhart Stewart. 

Date Published: 27/11/2020 15:42

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Dear Rishi, let some people retire at 60

In her latest #FutureThoughts podcast Jillian Thomas argues that people who have been working from 16 should be allowed to take their state pension at 60

Date Published: 26/11/2020 10:35

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Keep happy and don't be fearful

In another behind the scenes video chat, Jillian Thomas asks confidence coach Jules Wyman what we can do to keep positive in the current situation.

Date Published: 25/11/2020 10:17

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How Brexit may affect the Stock Exchanges

There's been a lot of talk about how Brexit may have an impact on our lives, but Jillian Thomas says it may also have an impact on Stock Exchanges

Date Published: 23/11/2020 16:14

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Justin Urquhart Stewart explains how his new venture could help local businesses

The man in the red braces, Justin Urquhart Stewart, explains how his new venture Regionally could help local businesses recover from Covid.

Date Published: 20/11/2020 15:09

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Reporting the news in a lockdown

Jillian Thomas chats to Nancy Fielder, editor of the Sheffield Star and Sheffield Telegraph, about reporting in a lockdown and why it is so important for us all to support local papers.

Date Published: 17/11/2020 15:19

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A special memory of a special client

Jillian Thomas reveals how clients become friends over the years, and their loss can lead to tears - and more.... 

Date Published: 16/11/2020 13:49

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Do you need a business LPA?

Many of us may have Lasting Power of Attorneys set up for an elderly relative or even for ourselves. But if you are a director have you considered one for your business? Jillian Thomas considers the benefits.

Date Published: 13/11/2020 15:39

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Should Dominic Cummings have gone to Specsavers?

In a new series of videos behind the scenes in the lockdown, Jillian Thomas chats to optometrist Dr Gil Vasey from Specsavers about eye health in the pandemic and whether Dominic Cummings was ok to drive to Barnard Castle

Date Published: 11/11/2020 11:23

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Working from home - the bills and the savings

With working from home becoming the norm for many of us, Emma takes a look at the pros and cons.

Date Published: 09/11/2020 16:04

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An update from our Barketing Department!

As we enter another lockdown, our director of operations Keeley Woodcock gives us an update on what the office dogs, aka the Barketing Department, are up to.

Date Published: 06/11/2020 08:52

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What should Rishi do?

Jillian Thomas chats with Justin Urquhart Stewart about what they would do if they were Rishi Sunak right now.

Date Published: 04/11/2020 10:48

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November 2020 Market Commentary

With bad news about the second wave of Covid-19 in October, we take a look back at how the markets responded around the world.

Date Published: 02/11/2020 17:43

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Lockdown2 - what now?

Jillian Thomas responds to the news about Lockdown2, with a reminder that the staff here at Future Life Wealth Management are here for you.

Date Published: 02/11/2020 10:25

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Trump v Biden - the impact on international markets

With America going to the polls, Jillian Thomas sits down with Justin Urquhart Stewart to discuss what the impact will be on the markets, whoever wins. 

Date Published: 30/10/2020 14:38

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Future Thoughts podcast - are you getting enough interest?

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode, Jillian challenges us to look at the return we are getting on our investments.

Date Published: 29/10/2020 13:27

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We're in the Top 100 for the 8th year running!

Future Life Wealth Management has been named among the top 100 financial planning agencies in the UK for the 8th year in a row.

Date Published: 28/10/2020 16:30

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Have you planned for long-term care?

The question of how we pay for social care has not gone away. Jillian Thomas looks at how we as individuals and as a society might cover the costs. 

Date Published: 26/10/2020 14:48

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Just what would negative interest rates mean?

With whispers in some quarters of the possibility of negative interest rates to help the economy, Jillian Thomas is joined by Justin Urquhart Stewart to see just what it could mean

Date Published: 20/10/2020 17:12

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Free wills month is back

In October many solicitors are offering to draw up a will for you in exchange for a donation to charity. Our financial planner Emma Baumback explains why you should take advantage of the offer.

Date Published: 16/10/2020 10:35

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The good, the bad and the ugly of working from home

Many of us are working from home, but are there some issues we should have thought of? Our director of operations Keeley Woodcock takes a look.

Date Published: 14/10/2020 14:53

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Changes to pension age - did you notice?

You may have seen the news last week about the state pension age rise to 66, but have you also seen the news about changes to when you can draw down other pensions? Our financial planner Emma Baumback explains the changes.

Date Published: 12/10/2020 11:35

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Why we need to keep calm and keep planning

In the second of a series of videos, Jillian Thomas chats to Justin Urquhart Stewart about why financial planning is particularly important right now. 

Date Published: 09/10/2020 11:42

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Emma and Jillian shortlisted for prestigious national awards

Emma Baumback and Jillian Thomas have been shortlisted in the Investment Week, Women in Investment Awards 2020

Date Published: 08/10/2020 09:34

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October 2020 Market Commentary

With fears of a second wave of coronavirus, September was not an easy month for the markets. We take a look at the detail around the world. 

Date Published: 03/10/2020 10:11

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We are supporting Financial Planning Week 2020

Now more than ever it is vital to keep on top of your finances, which is why we are supporting Financial Planning Week #FPWUK

Date Published: 01/10/2020 11:07

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Did Rishi Sunak's Winter Economy Plan go far enough?

In a new series of videos for Future Life Television, Jillian Thomas talks to Justin Urquhart Stewart about the chancellor's plans to save the economy.

Date Published: 29/09/2020 09:32

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The Chancellor's Winter Economy Plan

We take a look at what was in Rishi Sunak's Winter Economy Plan and what it means for us and the wider economy. 

Date Published: 27/09/2020 09:39

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Future Thoughts podcast - what will be the combined impact of Covid-19 and Brexit?

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In the latest episode, Jillian considers the combined impact of Covid-19 and Brexit as she looks out over the Irish Sea.

Date Published: 25/09/2020 11:24

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The link between human behaviour and investing

In her latest blog, financial planner Emma Baumback looks at how our emotions can influence our financial plans.

Date Published: 23/09/2020 16:00

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Future Thoughts podcast - has Covid made us focus on planning?

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode, Jillian says Covid-19 might have made some people take their head out of the sand and start planning their finances earlier.

Date Published: 21/09/2020 10:49

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Why Jillian Thomas is backing the Thin Blue Paw Foundation

Jillian Thomas is backing to a new charity which supports retired police dogs. In this video she talks to Dave Wardell and his police dog Finn (of BGT fame) about the Thin Blue Paw Foundation.

Date Published: 17/09/2020 11:43

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Getting through lockdown - the highs and lows of office and home life

It has been a tough few months getting through lockdown, admits our director of operations Keeley Woodcock. But there have been some laughs along the way:

Date Published: 15/09/2020 10:31

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How do we pay for social care?

All this talk about how do we pay for Covid-19, but the issue of how do we pay for social care has not gone away, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 11/09/2020 11:08

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Future Thoughts podcast - how do we all pay for Covid-19?

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode, Jillian urges us to start planning for tax changes that are likely next April.

Date Published: 09/09/2020 11:57

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Jillian Thomas shortlisted for entrepreneur award

Managing director Jillian Thomas has been shortlisted in the Entrepreneur of the Year category in the East Midlands Chamber Business Awards.

Date Published: 08/09/2020 10:23

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Why now, more than ever, we need to plan our finances

Financial planning is important in normal times, but with major changes to taxes expected to pay for the effects of Covid-19 it is absolutely vital, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 03/09/2020 15:49

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September 2020 Market Commentary

August is usually called the 'silly season'; when nothing happens because everyone is on holiday and the media resorts to silly stories to fill the news bulletins and column inches. But this August is a bit different from others!


Date Published: 02/09/2020 14:43

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Future Thoughts podcast - financial planning is more important than ever

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode Jillian looks at how the impact of Covid-19 and Brexit mean planning our finances is more important than ever - and we should start that planning sooner rather than later. 

Date Published: 02/09/2020 11:29

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Make your lockdown saving habits last a lifetime

In her latest blog financial planner Emma Baumback urges us to keep some of the good habits we have acquired in lockdown. 

Date Published: 26/08/2020 11:34

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Digital transformation is here to stay

In a guest blog, Rosemary Banyard, manager of VT Downing Unique Opportunities Fund, says that the digital transformation of our lives is here to stay; even if we are a bit behind Estonia.

Date Published: 24/08/2020 13:07

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Jillian backs plans for Sheffield musical!

Jillian Thomas is urging businesses in Sheffield to get behind plans for a musical based in the city, which features music by a founding member of Simply Red. Here she explains why: 

Date Published: 19/08/2020 15:35

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Let's pull together

As these unprecedented times continue, Jillian Thomas makes a plea for us all to pull together

Date Published: 18/08/2020 13:05

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Don't let your emotions rule your investments

It's easy to allow your emotions to rule how you invest. Fear can make you want to sell when markets fall. And euphoria can make you want to buy when markets are rising. But you need to be rational when investing and not make rash decisions. Take a look at this cycle of investor emotions: 

Date Published: 12/08/2020 13:56

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August 2020 Market Commentary

In July, we saw global tensions rise and world stock markets experience a varied month, as Covid-19 continues to have an impact on the global economy, accelerating changes that have been coming for some time.

Let’s look at the market news from July…

Date Published: 05/08/2020 11:37

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Go and buy a coffee!

Jillian Thomas is urging people to spend more in their high street to help the local economy recover. 

Date Published: 29/07/2020 14:52

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The power of peace of mind

Financial planner Emma Baumback looks at why now it is more important than ever to  draw up a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Date Published: 28/07/2020 10:12

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Is your Lizard brain controlling your saving habits?

The lockdown has led to some strange changes in behaviour. Jillian Thomas considers whether we have allowed our Lizard brain to take over our investment and savings plans. 

Date Published: 24/07/2020 14:47

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What is your money personality?

We all know our personalities differ, and now researchers believe we have different personalities when it comes to our attitude to money. 

Date Published: 21/07/2020 15:44

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What is the value of financial advice?

So what is the real value of a financial adviser? We take a look:

Date Published: 17/07/2020 11:05

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When the going gets tough....

They do say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Jillian Thomas says we need to show resilience in these tough times, but we also need to help each other.

Date Published: 09/07/2020 08:37

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Dare to dream

Jill Thomas says the Sheffield City Region must work as a team to rise to recovery post COVID-19 – because ‘dreams are training for reality’ 

Date Published: 03/07/2020 10:28

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July 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter July it is time to look back at how markets around the world performed in June as we slowly move out of lockdown.

Date Published: 03/07/2020 09:17

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Welcome to Matheau

We have appointed a new paraplanner to strengthen the team at Future Life. 

Date Published: 30/06/2020 11:45

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What to do – defined contribution pensions

The current crisis has led us all to have concerns about our health and wealth. And for those nearing retirement with defined contribution pensions this may be a particularly worrying time. Jillian Thomas looks at what you need to think about if you have a DC pension.

Date Published: 23/06/2020 12:55

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Continue to keep calm and carry on

In her latest blog, financial planner Emma Baumback reminds us to keep calm, even when the markets are volatile.

Date Published: 19/06/2020 10:58

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Future Thoughts podcast - We're back in the office and ready to help

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode Jillian reflects on returning to the office and just what happens now. (And the return of a certain office dog from furlough)

Date Published: 17/06/2020 16:16

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Life insurance - untangling the web

Buying life insurance can be very confusing. Jillian Thomas takes a look, starting with whether you should consider a whole life or term policy.

Date Published: 15/06/2020 15:04

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It took just one click

Jillian Thomas says the lockdown means we have moved from shopping on our local high street to the internet – but at what personal and economic cost?

Date Published: 03/06/2020 12:01

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June 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter June, it's time to look at how the markets performed in May in these times of financial volatility.

Date Published: 03/06/2020 09:56

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Do your pension plans need a review?

Does the current volatility in the financial markets mean you should consider reviewing your pension plans? Financial adviser Emma Baumback takes a look.

Date Published: 02/06/2020 10:10

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Watch out for inflation

Financial planner Emma Baumback says inflation could be the sting in the tail of the lockdown.

Date Published: 29/05/2020 12:03

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Future Thoughts podcast - What happens to all our data?

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her latest episode Jill considers what happens to all our data in our new online lives.

Date Published: 28/05/2020 17:06

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Could lockdown be a trial run for retirement?

If you are nearing the age to retire and have found yourself working from home during lockdown or maybe furloughed, have you considered treating this time as a trial run for retirement, says Jillian Thomas. 

Date Published: 27/05/2020 09:49

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The Government is walking a tightrope

As we slowly edge towards lockdown the Government is walking a tightrope between health and the economy. 

Jillian Thomas takes a look at what that means for you. 

Date Published: 19/05/2020 16:49

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Emma Baumback considers what next as we head to the end of lockdown

Financial planner Emma Baumback considers what next as we head to the end of lockdown and the turbulent economic times ahead.

Date Published: 19/05/2020 10:25

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Let's move out of the City

Jillian Thomas asks why investment companies can't move out of the City of London, where office costs are sky high, after the lockdown

Date Published: 14/05/2020 10:13

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Future Thoughts podcast - life after lockdown

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

In her fourth episode Jill considers what we need to be thinking about as conversations slowly start turning to life after lockdown. 

Date Published: 08/05/2020 12:39

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What will life be like after lockdown?

The national conversation is slowly turning to what do we do post-lockdown? How do we emerge from this medical emergency? Jillian Thomas has some thoughts.

Date Published: 07/05/2020 11:54

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Lockdown - what are we up to? Part 4

In the fourth of our blogs about what our staff are up to while working through lockdown, Linda Whyler, our bookkeeper and financial assistant, tells us what life is like for her and her dog Morgan

Date Published: 04/05/2020 14:34

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May 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter May, it's time to look at how the markets performed in April amid the Covid-19 crisis.

Date Published: 04/05/2020 13:04

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How long will it take the economy to recover?

As the economy continues to shrink, Jillian Thomas looks at how far it may fall and how long it will take to come back.

Date Published: 04/05/2020 11:37

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Lockdown - what are we up to? Part 3

Our third installment of life under lockdown, comes from Samantha Williams, our director of technical operations, who is reflecting on the positives, while spending time with her husband and dog Elmo.

Date Published: 30/04/2020 11:55

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Lockdown - what are we up to? Part 2

Our second installment of life under lockdown, comes from our director of operations Keeley Woodcock, who has been trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Date Published: 27/04/2020 13:11

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Lockdown - what are we up to?

As we continue working for our clients, we take a look at what our staff are up to in the new way of living and working.

Our first installment comes from our financial adviser Emma Baumback (and her dog Barney)

Date Published: 24/04/2020 11:07

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Future Thoughts podcast - we need our best leaders now

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

As the Covid-19 crisis turns out to be far worse than perhaps we could have imagined just a few weeks ago, in her third episode Jill suggests we need our best leaders right now.

Date Published: 22/04/2020 14:04

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Negative oil price - what does it mean?

With US oil prices falling to below zero, Jill takes a look at what that could mean for finances and the global economy.

Date Published: 21/04/2020 10:15

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Message from Jill in these strange times

In these uncertain times we have decided to keep in touch with our clients, friends and associates on a more frequent basis. We want everyone to know we are here for you when you need us. And, as Jill says in this audio version of her regular Bizcast newsletter, we also want to connect businesses locally, so we can all help each other.

Click on the link below to hear more: 

Date Published: 17/04/2020 11:58

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Keeping in touch, with colleagues, clients and the dogs

Now that we are ending our third week of home-working, with the prospect of many more weeks to come, it seemed a good time to take stock; take a look at how it is going, for us and our clients.

Date Published: 09/04/2020 13:08

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April 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter April, it's time to look at how the markets performed in March amid the coronavirus crisis.

Date Published: 02/04/2020 14:59

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Jill answers financial questions about the COVID-19 crisis

Are you worried about your financial situation during the coronavirus pandemic? Future Life's MD Jill Thomas appeared as a finance expert on BBC Radio WM where she answered questions from listeners. She covered topics including mortgage payments, furloughing and investments.


Date Published: 02/04/2020 14:55

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In stormy weather stand underneath the SCR umbrella

With the Covid-19 pandemic, and following the Chancellor’s £350bn post-Budget ‘lifeline for the economy’, now is the time for the Sheffield City Region business community to act like one – keep cashflow going, increase marketing spend and provide shelter to each other, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 01/04/2020 11:36

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Is the tide turning in the fight against Covid-19?

As the Americans finally seem to join the battle against the coronavirus, Jillian Thomas wonders if this is a pivotal moment.

Date Published: 31/03/2020 10:28

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Hold onto your hats - it is going to be a bumpy ride

It has been a crazy few weeks on the markets around the world, but some calm has returned over the last couple of days. Jillian Thomas takes a look at what this all means.

Date Published: 25/03/2020 11:46

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Jill discusses the coronavirus outbreak on BBC Radio Sheffield

Our MD Jill Thomas appeared on BBC Radio Sheffield earlier today, where she discussed the financial markets' response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and what she's been doing to help those in need during these unprecedented times.

Date Published: 20/03/2020 15:30

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Little acts of kindness will get us through

We are all worried about how the coronavirus outbreak will effect us, our families and our businesses, but here at Future Life Wealth Management we know that now is the time we musts act to help others, writes Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 17/03/2020 15:25

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Be ready for a roller coaster ride

Stock markets around the world are falling - and rising. Coronavirus is putting pressure on the economy. But it is not all gloom and doom, says Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 13/03/2020 15:58

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Coronavirus and the Budget

Just what does the action today by the Bank of England and the Chancellor mean for investments and the global economy?

Jillian Thomas has been crunching the numbers. 

Date Published: 11/03/2020 17:09

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Time to Spring clean your finances

Spring is on its way, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who takes the opportunity to give the house a good clean! But Spring is also a great time to shake up your finances.

Here are Jill's five top tips for how you can give your finances a spring clean this year.

Date Published: 11/03/2020 11:46

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Coronavirus continues to have an impact on the stockmarkets

As the coronavirus continues to have an impact on the markets, we take a look at what that means for investors, on a day when the markets fell dramatically. 


Date Published: 09/03/2020 15:04

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Jill talks about the impact of coronavirus on the financial markets

Future Life's MD Jillian Thomas appeared on BBC Radio Sheffield earlier today to discuss the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the financial markets, and the potential effect on your personal finances.

Date Published: 04/03/2020 14:59

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A good week to celebrate inspiring women in business

This week feels like a good week to celebrate inspiring women in business and to mark the important role women play as leaders in their fields.

Date Published: 04/03/2020 10:22

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March 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter March, it's time to look back at how the markets performed in February.

Date Published: 03/03/2020 09:43

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Jill in line for prestigious award

Future Life MD Jillian Thomas is hoping to win another prestigious business award this week.

Date Published: 02/03/2020 11:28

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Future Thoughts podcast - global investments

Future Thoughts is a podcast series featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

Jill will cover a range of topics to help you plan your finances and ensure you are making the most of your money, including retirement, pensions and investments. In the second episode of Future Thoughts, Jill looks at the structure of modern investments and the change in dem…

Date Published: 28/02/2020 11:51

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Latest: Coronavirus impact on investment markets

Our MD Jillian Thomas takes a look at the latest impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the investment markets. 

Date Published: 25/02/2020 11:48

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Just what is leadership?

Later this week I will be speaking to students about leadership. My talk ‘Personal leadership – from disaster to leading change’ is part of an event by Sheffield Hallam University Business School leadership forum.

Date Published: 24/02/2020 16:37

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Are you, or will you be, an over-60s socialite?

Many of today’s over-60s are living life in a way that has a lot more in common with 20-somethings, despite four decades of age gap.

Date Published: 19/02/2020 10:32

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Why directors and business owners fail to plan their retirement

In our experience company directors and owners of SMEs are so wrapped up running their business that they often forget their own financial planning – or simply don’t see it as a priority.

Date Published: 17/02/2020 10:25

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The coronavirus must remind us of our common humanity

The coronavirus may turn out to be a flash in the pan or a worldwide pandemic, according to our MD Jill Thomas.

Date Published: 13/02/2020 10:30

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When life means life

Some people object to insurance because there’s no guarantee that it will provide any tangible benefits: a policy only pays out if the event occurs that it’s designed to protect against. If your house doesn’t suffer fire, flood, subsidence or other damage, your house insurance won’t pay out, for example.

Date Published: 12/02/2020 16:00

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FLWM Radio: Research reveals 35% of people lose sleep over their finances

New research has revealed that 35% of people lose sleep at night because they're worrying about their finances. Our MD Jill Thomas gave her take on the findings to BBC Radio Sheffield's Paulette Edwards.

Date Published: 11/02/2020 15:10

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What are the proposed changes to Inheritance Tax for siblings?

At the moment, siblings who are cohabiting are not exempt from paying Inheritance Tax (IHT) on money or property left to them. But could that soon change?

Date Published: 07/02/2020 14:36

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February 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter February, it's time to look back at how the markets fared in the first month of the new decade.

Date Published: 04/02/2020 08:55

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Jillian joins Lord Blunkett on Parliamentary Review podcast

We are honoured that our MD Jillian Thomas was asked to represent business on a prestigious podcast organised by the Parliamentary Review office. The podcast also featured Lord David Blunkett.

Date Published: 28/01/2020 14:55

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Jill talks about ISAs and retirement on BBC Radio Sheffield

Future Life's MD Jillian Thomas appeared in her regular slot as BBC Radio Sheffield's finance expert, where she discussed cash ISAs and planning for retirement.

Date Published: 27/01/2020 13:12

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Future Thoughts podcast - preparing for retirement

Future Thoughts is a brand new podcast featuring the MD of Future Life Wealth Management and financial expert Jillian Thomas.

Date Published: 20/01/2020 15:38

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Do you know where your will is?

Do you know where your will is stored? Even more importantly, do your nearest and dearest?

Date Published: 20/01/2020 15:13

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Jill takes part in Sheffield Star newspaper review

Our MD Jill Thomas was delighted to take part in the Sheffield Star's first-ever newspaper review.

She joined editor Nancy Fielder and business editor David Walsh to discuss the big stories in yesterday's (16 January) paper, including a devolution deal for South Yorkshire, the Government response to job losses in the region's steel industry and the resignation of Sheffield City Council leader Jul…

Date Published: 17/01/2020 10:56

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How could you make the dream of early retirement a reality?

Have you dreamed of ditching the day job and taking early retirement? If you have then you need to do some serious planning. Here our MD Jillian Thomas looks at some steps you can take to get there.

Date Published: 15/01/2020 13:37

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How to get the best deals on a cruise

Maybe the gloom of winter has got you thinking about getting away from it all on a cruise somewhere warm. I know it has me; I do love my cruises!

Date Published: 09/01/2020 14:08

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January 2020 Market Commentary

As we enter a new decade, it's time to look at how the markets performed in the last month of 2019.

Date Published: 03/01/2020 11:20

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New Year financial resolutions

Have you made any New Year resolutions? And more importantly have you kept them so far?!

Date Published: 02/01/2020 15:22

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What can go wrong with the Bank of Mum and Dad?

Did you know that the Bank of Mum and Dad is the sixth largest lender in the UK?

Date Published: 20/12/2019 12:46

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Tips for last-minute Christmas shopping

Are you one of those people who leaves their Christmas shopping to the last minute? If so – here are some timely tips to save you a bit of money.

Date Published: 18/12/2019 12:44

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The morning after the night before

While some issues were decided last night, huge uncertainties remain.

Date Published: 13/12/2019 15:03

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December 2019 Market Commentary

The beginning of November saw the World Trade Organisation authorise China to put $3.6bn (£2.8bn) of tariffs on US goods. The following week it was reported that a potential trade deal between the two countries could see tariffs ‘rolled back’.

Date Published: 03/12/2019 16:58

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What does Brexit mean for house buyers and sellers?

While you may be fed up of hearing about it, Brexit has had a major impact on the UK property market. What has it meant for buyers and sellers and what might the best course of action be now?

Date Published: 02/12/2019 15:58

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Future Life continues growth with promotion

Future Life has promoted a member of the team as we continue our growth plans.

Date Published: 29/11/2019 10:52

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Is Inheritance Tax fair?

Inheritance Tax (IHT) is not very popular. According to a YouGov poll back in 2015 nearly 60 per cent of us think it just isn’t fair.

Date Published: 28/11/2019 10:55

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You may have a financial plan, but do you have a financial plan B?

It’s a fact that no matter how well we prepare, there are always factors beyond our control that can mean our ‘best laid’ plans unravel.

Date Published: 22/11/2019 15:56

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Four tips on what to do in the first 30 days of your retirement

So, you’ve decided when you’re going to retire. You know what you need to do in your final days of work. You might even have some long-term goals that you want to achieve during the years ahead. But what about those first few days and weeks?

Date Published: 22/11/2019 09:29

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Do you know where your pensions are?

According to a recent study one in five people who have more than one pension have lost track of at least one of them. And some people even admitted to losing the details of them all.

Date Published: 18/11/2019 14:47

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November 2019 Market Commentary

The beginning of October brought us the Conservative Party conference and a plethora of promises and fiery speeches. Meanwhile world stock markets were tumbling on fears of a global sell-off and the US/Europe tariff war joining the US/China dispute. By the middle of the month President Trump declared himself ‘optimistic’ about trade talks with China.

Date Published: 05/11/2019 10:54

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Do you have a will in place? More than half of us don't

Despite the fact that having a will in place is commonly accepted as the most effective way to leave details about your inheritance, the number of people who don’t have one is remarkably high.

Date Published: 04/11/2019 10:45

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FLWM Radio: Jill talks about life assurance on BBC Radio Sheffield

Future Life's MD Jillian Thomas appeared in her regular slot as BBC Radio Sheffield's finance expert. This week she discussed life assurance and answered questions from listeners.

Date Published: 01/11/2019 10:39

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Future Life in the Top 100 again!

We are delighted to announce that Future Life Wealth Management is in the top 100 for the seventh year running!

Date Published: 29/10/2019 11:15

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We are ten years old!

We are celebrating our tenth anniversary with further expansion plans!

Date Published: 23/10/2019 09:13

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Bye bye Help to Buy

If your children or grandchildren are at that age where they are starting to think about buying a house, you don’t have very long to encourage them to get a bit of extra financial help from a Help to Buy ISA.

Date Published: 10/10/2019 16:09

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October 2019 Market Commentary


What goes down immediately comes back up? If only saving and investing were that simple… 

Date Published: 08/10/2019 16:32

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The truth about retirement

If you pay much attention to the media and advertisers, you may think that retirement is all about riding jet skis, sipping sherry on the French riviera or cuddling grandchildren. Though those sorts of activities are an important part of retirement, a recent study has revealed retirement to be more of a double-edged sword. 

Date Published: 02/10/2019 11:10

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Pensions and the NHS

We all know the NHS is under pressure, but not everyone knows that one of the problems is the way pension benefits are taxed. 

Date Published: 27/09/2019 11:12

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FLWM Radio - Jill appears in her regular finance slot on BBC Radio Sheffield

Future Life's MD Jillian Thomas appeared in her regular slot as BBC Radio Sheffield's finance expert. This week she discussed the situation with Thomas Cook, adult social care and responded to a message from a concerned listener.

Date Published: 26/09/2019 10:17

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Don't fall prey to the pension scammers

We work hard at Future Life Wealth Management to help our clients plan for their retirement. As you know we say, depending on how you plan, your retirement can be the longest holiday you will ever have – or, if you don’t plan, your longest period of unemployment.

Date Published: 18/09/2019 11:40

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Do you want one marshmallow or two?

Do you want one marshmallow now or two in 15 minutes? You may wonder why we are asking this when we are financial planners!

But the results of seminal research at Stanford University about delayed gratification may well be relevant to how you plan your finances

Date Published: 10/09/2019 11:39

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September 2019 Market Commentary

August is traditionally known as the ‘silly season’. The great and the good are on holiday. Nothing is happening: there are no world events. So the newspapers have to resort to any number of peripheral and not-at-all-serious subjects to fill their columns.

Usually. But, not this year.

Date Published: 03/09/2019 15:36

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How can you stay safe online?

As we venture further into this new digital age, the security of your personal data grows more and more important. That’s why, for this article, we’ve decided to delve into the world of online security. Here you’ll find a series of strategies that we recommend you employ to protect your presence online. 

Date Published: 30/08/2019 15:33

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How to find the right investment

In the wake of the Woodford debacle, there’s a lot of buzz around investments and the rationale for choosing them. So we thought it would be useful to outline what you should be thinking about when it comes to choosing an investment to enable you to get the best outcomes for your money.

Date Published: 27/08/2019 15:30

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How much do you put into savings?

So how much do you save? It seems it all depends on how old you are. A new report by Scottish Widows has found that only 40 per cent of young people are saving what it believes to be an ‘adequate’ amount. Scottish Widows defines that amount as 12 per cent or more of your income. Compare that to those aged over 30, where 59 per cent of people are said to be saving enough.

Date Published: 23/08/2019 15:26

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Jillian Thomas joins Business Growth Board of D2N2

We are delighted that our MD Jillian Thomas has been appointed to the Business Growth Board of D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

The advisory board is made up of representatives from the public, private and third sectors, including from local councils, universities, the Federation of Small Businesses, the British Business Bank, Rolls Royce and the CBI.

Date Published: 15/08/2019 13:29

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August 2019 Market Commentary

Gold hit a six-year high as nervous investors looked for alternatives to stock markets. The IMF cut global growth forecasts amid continuing trade tensions.

In any normal month these would have been perfectly normal introduction, but July was not a normal month.

Date Published: 02/08/2019 12:02

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End of an era: Farewell to Stuart

We are very sad to be losing Stuart Ibbotson to retirement.

Date Published: 03/07/2019 14:11

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July 2019 Market Commentary

Many of you will know the old stock market adage: ‘Sell in May and go away, and come on back on St. Leger’s Day.’

Date Published: 02/07/2019 14:11

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Free financial health masterclasses

We have teamed up with Bhayani HR and Employment Law to offer a series of free financial health masterclasses for business owners and directors.

Date Published: 25/06/2019 14:11

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What is financial wellbeing?

Increasingly, people are talking about financial wellbeing. But what does it actually mean?

Date Published: 17/06/2019 12:17

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Defined Contribution v Defined Benefit pensions – what are the trends?

For the first time ever more people are now paying into Defined Contribution (DC) schemes than into Defined Benefit schemes.

Date Published: 14/06/2019 12:35

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Why easy access savings may not add up

We all know the theory – keep a little bit of cash aside in an easy access account for those emergencies: the boiler packs in, that bill you didn’t expect comes through the post or you just want to book that bargain holiday.

Date Published: 05/06/2019 12:46

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June 2019 market commentary

May was a relatively quiet month, virtually nothing of any importance happened at all. Well, apart from the European elections, Theresa May’s decision to stand down and the re-escalation of the US/China trade war. Not content with that, Donald Trump imposed tariffs on Mexico and Angela Merkel decided that her potential successor wasn’t up to the job and that she’d stay on as German Chancellor.

Date Published: 04/06/2019 13:15

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How can you mitigate against Inheritance Tax?

Back in 1789 Benjamin Franklin said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The saying may be 230 years old but it is still true today – and it is true that even death doesn’t protect you from taxes!

Date Published: 03/06/2019 13:26

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Good habits for retirement

Retirement might be around the corner, or a few years off. However far away it is right now, there is one thing we can all agree on – planning for your retirement is vital. There are some things you should definitely do. And there are some things you definitely should not do! We have taken a look at some of the bad habits people get in to – and how to avoid them.

Date Published: 29/05/2019 13:27

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Why you should consider investing – and not just leave your money in a bank account

You have spent years accruing your wealth, building up a nice nest egg; so where should you keep it? Under the proverbial mattress? Or somewhere where it will grow?

Date Published: 13/05/2018 14:11

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Contact Us

Future Life Wealth
Management Limited,
Future House,
54 Ravenshorn Way,
Renishaw, Sheffield S21 3WY

+44 (0) 1246 435 996

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm

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Future Life Wealth Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate taxation & trust advice
We are entered on the The Financial Conduct Register No 509960 at
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Registered in England No. 07036892 Reg. Address: Leodis House, 11 Pavilion Business Park, Royds Hall Road, Leeds, LS12 6AJ
The guidance and/or advice contained within the website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at customers in the UK.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested.
Your home is at risk if you do not keep up with your mortgage repayments.
Equity release is a lifetime mortgage or home reversion plan.  To understand the features and risks please ask for a personalised illustration. 
We do not offer advice in relation to home reversion plans.
The tax observations contained in this website are made in good faith and are based on our understanding of current Revenue and Customs regulations. We cannot accept any responsibility for any future regulation that may retrospectively happen.